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Effective Presentations in English

The ability to effectively present content is an integral part of the skill set of an effective manager, business leader or researcher. “Effective Presentations in English” is a course designed to provide participants with theoretical input combined with ample opportunity for practice to build and extend their skills. Issues usually covered in an “Effective Presentations in English” course include how to deliver effective introductions, incorporate rhetorical figures, handle transitions, improve pronunciation, manage Q&A sessions, design visuals, and deliver a convincing conclusion.

Participants in “Effective Presentations in English” usually work on and practice their own presentations and give/receive feedback from the course instructor and their peers. The overarching goal of such a course is to enhance professionalism in presentations while reducing anxiety.

An “Effective Presentations in English” course can be offered online or on-site and caters to the needs of non-native speakers wishing to improve their skills set in English, but its scope encompasses more general issues of presenting effectively that apply to presentations in languages other than English as well. A successful format for this course has been a three-day intensive course, but shorter or longer formats have also been offered successfully.

If you cannot participate in one of our courses offered at HEG Fribourg, our experienced staff will be happy to discuss options that fit your institution’s needs.