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Scientific Writing for Publication

Publishing in English has become the norm in most academic fields. “Scientific Writing for Publication” is a practical course designed to help members of the research community perfect their writing skills and thereby improve their English texts.

The course has been developed over the years to cater to the needs of PhD students and researchers writing papers, reports, dissertations and habilitations. Classroom work and writing theory are coupled with continual feedback on the participants' texts and hands-on exercises. Special attention is given to the high specificity and formality of texts written in Economics, Business Administration, Medicine, the Natural and Life Sciences, as well as to the variety of the many-faceted texts written in the Social Sciences.

A 4-day course format for “Scientific Writing for Publication” has proved to be very successful, but other (two- or three-day intensive courses, writing retreats, semester courses, etc.) formats are possible. It is possible to offer such a course successfully both online and on-site.

 Generally, a “Scientific Writing for Publication” course is made up of three main elements:

  • Linguistic components of better writing, such as correct word order and tense use, text linking elements, style and variety in vocabulary and structure
  • Linguistic characteristics of research texts: textual strategies in writing abstracts and introduction, results, discussion and conclusion sections
  • Self-help strategies for scientific writers, such as the effective use of model articles, language reference books, and online aids in checking style, grammar and usage in specific fields

Input sessions are followed by exercises, opportunities for practical application, questions and discussion. In addition, the format of the “writing clinic” allows participants to discuss their corrected texts with the instructors. Participants are usually expected to submit a revised or new section of their text on each course day.

If you cannot participate in one of our courses offered at HEG Fribourg, our experienced staff will be happy to discuss options that fit your institution’s needs.