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Bart Norré

Assoziierter Professor FH

Bart Norré holds a bachelor's in political science, a master's in communication sciences, an aggregation in social sciences delivered by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium, and a certificate of the Oxford Blockchain Strategy Program delivered by the Said Business School of the University of Oxford. He has completed his curriculum with numerous training in the field of marketing, NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and holds.

1990 Bart joined IMTF SA as the CMO and received the mission to launch the company in electronic document management (EDMS). Ten years later, the IMTF group leads the EDMS market in the finance industry in Switzerland, disposes of subsidiaries abroad (Germany, Austria, and Ireland)  and its headcount moved from 7 to 250.

2000 Bart was hired by the (intel funded) startup Dartfish as the director of training and interactive applications worldwide. He conceived a video analysis software for coaches, of which the company sold more than 150'000. 75% of all medal winners at the Olympic games are regular users of this application.

2003 Bart founded TM Tandem Marketing to enhance the culture of marketing of companies and organizations in the field of strategy and neuromarketing. These new perspectives on marketing open unknown potential for his customers.

From 2003 to 2013, Bart lectured at the EPFL (AIST and MOT). Since 2013 Bart is teaching strategic management, international management, and neuromarketing at the School of Management in Fribourg at the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland. 2017 he published with Peter Steidl the neuromarketing book "Brand Vision Archetypes, comment créer des marques qui ont un sens".

2021 Bart co-founded Stenorohm GmbH a swiss startup developing neuroapps in the field of healthcare, HR and marketing. 2023 Bart was appointed as Board member and director of RTT Holdings Auckland New Zealand, a startup developing data management solutions for the egaming industry.

2023 Bart published a peer reviewed chapter related to Mindfulness Meditation and Business School Education co-written with Prof. Dunia Harajli of LAU (Lebanon). July 2023 Bart co-presented a peer reviewed paper related to conspiracy theories based on neuroscientific RTT (Response Time Testing) and networks of similarity (a SNA-based statistical methodology). Co-authors Doruntina Tahiri, Guillaume Fernandez, prof. dr. Kirti Dutta, Dorota Reykoswka.


Journal article

DUTTA, K., FERNANDEZ, G., NORRÉ, B., REYKOWSKA, D., OHME, R., HARAJLI, D., FERNANDEZ, J. (2024). Knowledge of declared behaviour: effect of attitude and intention. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 14 (2), 133-161.
NORRÉ, B., SANDOZ, L. (2019). Conviction or Knowledge?. Which one defines the company culture? Insight, 28, pp. 19-21.

Paper presented at a peer-reviewed conference

NORRÉ, B., TAHIRI, D., FERNANDEZ, G., REYKOWSKA, D., DUTTA, K. (2023). Social network analysis and response time testing: Conspiracy thinking and conspiracy theories. 2023 Global Marketing Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
NORRÉ, B., SOULIKHAN, F., CHEIKHROUHOU, N. (2021). Implicit Measurement Method for Consumer Engagement in Online Brand Communities. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligent Management (SSIM).


NORRÉ, B., BOEHM, K., STEIDL, P. (2017). Brand Vision Archetypes - Créer des marques qui ont un sens. Neuromarketing Science and Business Association.

Book chapter

NORRÉ, B., SHARMA, K., DUTTA, K. (2024). Attitude, Behaviour, and New Habit Formation for Taking Good Dietary Habits From System 2 to System 1. Neuroscientific Insights and Therapeutic Approaches to Eating Disorders (pp. 50-62). IGI Global.
HARAJLI, D., NORRÉ, B. (2023). Should Mindfulness Practices Be Mandatory in Business Education? Honing Self-Awareness of Faculty and Future Business Leaders (pp. 35-54). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Invited speaker

HARAJLI, D., NORRÉ, B. (2023). Should mindfulness Practices be Mandatory in Business Education? Boston, United States of America.