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Giovanni Celato

Dozent FH
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Giovanni was born on March 9, 1964 in Payerne. After studying electronics and micro-computing, he specialized in meteorological data transmission and was hired by the Payerne Meteorological Institute. At the age of 26, he became an expert in diploma work at the Fribourg engineering school. After a few years in this role, he was hired to teach microprocessors and began his pedagogical training. To complete his didactic and pedagogical training, he continued teaching in secondary 2 at the Fribourg trade school. Following his pedagogical studies, he joined the board of directors of the trade school and perfected his skills as a pedagogical mentor, enabling him to monitor the young teachers at his school. In 1999, after completing specialized CAS training in the fields of Internet development, programming languages, data and information systems, he divided his time between the School of Management Fribourg and the Ecole des Métiers Fribourg. Having become an expert in these fields, he continues to share his experience in courses and in the digital transformation of companies.