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Marilyne Pasquier

Ordentliche Professorin FH/Institutsleiterin
+41 26 429 63 46
Büro: HEG 421

Marilyne Pasquier holds a PhD in strategic management from the University of Fribourg, and is a full professor at the School of Management Fribourg (HEG-FR), where she is co-director of the 'Market & Observatory Lab' competence center. In addition to her research activities, she teaches real estate strategy and management as part of the Bachelor's degree in Business Economics.

Currently, Marilyne Pasquier is devoting a large part of her professional activity to the research project for a Fribourg housing and real estate observatory. Drawing information directly from the real estate authorities, rental housing figures for the cities of Fribourg and Bulle, as well as the municipality of Estavayer, are published on a quarterly basis. This research project is the fruit of a public-private partnership with key players in the Fribourg regional real estate market, united around a common goal despite divergent interests.


Journal article

PASQUIER, B., PASQUIER, M. (2020). Etats locatifs, outil statistique et protection des données. Revue de l'avocat.
DUBOSSON, M., FRAGNIÈRE, E., PASQUIER, M., REYNARD, C. (2017). Exploring occupational stress in the Swiss wealth management sector, How could human risk lead to value destruction. European Review of Service Economics and Management, 1 (3), 17-45.

Paper presented at a peer-reviewed conference

DUBOSSON, M., EMAD, S., PASQUIER, M. (2019). Live case study writing as a teaching method for experiential learning. 43rd Annual Marketing Educators' Association Conference, Phoenix, United States of America.
PASQUIER, M., DUBOSSON, M., JAN DU CHÊNE, L. (2018). Specific needs based design of a housing and real estate observatory at the local level: A conceptual framework. XXVII International Conference of RESER, Göteborg, Sweden.
DUBOSSON, M., PASQUIER, M. (2017). A live case lite approach as formative assessment. 41th Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, San Diego, United States of America.
DUBOSSON, M., FRANGIÈRE, E., PASQUIER, M., REYNARD, C. (2016). Why could human risk prevent value creation in services? An exploratory study about occupational stress in the Swiss wealth management sector. XXVI International Conference of RESER, Naples, Italy.
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P., PASQUIER, M. (2012). Dynamique de l'entrepreneuriat international: cadre conceptuel et enjeux. 11ème Congrès international francophone en entrepreneuriat et PME, Brest, France.
HRAB, C., BALDEGGER, R., PASQUIER, M. (2012). The integration of Business Models in Social Entrepreneurship: Review of existing theoretical contributions. 1ère journée de l'Entrepreneuriat Social - ESG Management School & HEG Fribourg, Paris, France.


BALDEGGER, R., PASQUIER, M. (2014). Le management dans un environnement dynamique: Concepts, méthodes et outils pour une approche systémique. Louvain-La-Neuve: Le management dans un environnement dynamique: Concepts, méthodes et outils pour une approche systémique.

Book chapter

DUBOSSON, M., PASQUIER, M., PROBST, G. (2017). Pourquoi et comment faire appel à une étude de cas «locale» pour évaluer la mise en pratique des connaissances théoriques par les étudiants? In V. Roulin, A.-C. Allin-Pfister and D. Berthiaume (Eds.), Regards d’enseignants sur l’évaluation des apprentissages dans l’enseignement supérieur professionnalisant. De Boeck.


BALDEGGER, R., PASQUIER, M., RUEGER, D. (2014). Plutôt que des dérivés, des résultats: La transmission d'entreprise: un défi entrepreneurial. Plutôt que des dérivés, des résultats: La transmission d'entreprise: un défi entrepreneurial.
BALDEGGER, R., PASQUIER, M., RUEGER, D. (2014). Succession de PME - Quo Vadis? : Moments d'incertitudes - Est-ce le bon moment? Succession de PME - Quo Vadis? : Moments d'incertitudes - Est-ce le bon moment?