Dr. Maurizio Caon is currently Full Professor at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland and head of the Digital Business Center at the School of Management. He previously was Lecturer at the College of Engineering and also Director of Design and Innovation at the HumanTech Institute. He also was Honorary Research Fellow at the Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University from 2018 to 2021. He holds a PhD in Computer Science issued by the University of Bedfordshire (UK), and an MSc in Computer and Telecommunications Engineering issued by the University of Perugia (Italy). His research domains are in the area of Human-Computer Interaction and Digital Innovation.
MARCUS, J., SCHEIBE, S., CAON, M. (2024). LeverAge: A European network to leverage the multi-age workforce. Work, Aging and Retirement, 10 (4), 309-316. |
CHOUKOU, M.-A., CAON, M., OLATOYE, F., URBANOWSKI, R., MONNIN, C. (2023). Digital Health Technology to Support Health Care Professionals and Family Caregivers Caring for Patients With Cognitive Impairment: Scoping Review. JMIR Ment Health, 10. |
EL KAMALI, M., ANGELINI, L., CAON, M., DULAKE, N., CHAMBERLAIN, P., CRAIG, C., ... MUGELLINI, E. (2023). Co-designing an Embodied e-Coach With Older Adults: The Tangible Coach Journey. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 40 (10), 2736-2759. |
YU, K., CAON, M., WEN, S., XU, W., BAGHAEL, N., LIANG, H.-N. (2023). Cheer for me: effect of non‑player character audience feedback on older adult users of virtual reality exergames. Virtual Reality, 27 (3), 1887-1903. |
CAON, M., PRINELLI, F., ANGELINI, L., CARRINO, S., MUGELLINI, E., ORTE, S., ... ADORNI, F. (2022). PEGASO e-Diary: User Engagement and Dietary Behavior Change of a Mobile Food Record for Adolescents. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9, pp. 1-18. |
ANGELINI, L., CAON, M., EL KAMALI, M., MUGELLINI, E., ABOU KHALED, O., RÖCKE, C., ... ANDREONI, G. (2022). The NESTORE e-Coach: Designing a Multi-Domain Pathway to Well-Being in Older Age. Technologies, 10 (2). |
SILACCI, A., CAON, M., TAIAR, R. (2021). Towards an AI-Based Tailored Training Planning for Road Cyclists: A Case Study. Applied Sciences, 11 (1). |
PASQUIER, B., SILACCI, A., CAON, M. (2021). Protection des données: consentement, devoir d'informer et utilisation de pictogrammes. Pratique juridique actuelle, 7, pp. 889-904. |
SAGGIO, G., CAON, M., SCIOSCIA SANTORO, A., ERRICO, V., LEONI, A., FERRI, G., STORNELLI, V. (2021). A Novel Actuating-Sensing Bone Conduction-Based System for Active Hand Pose Sensing and Material Densities Evaluation Through Hand Touch. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70. |
BALDEGGER, R., CAON, M., SADIKU, K. (2020). Correlation between Entrepreneurial Orientation and Implementation of AI in Human Resource Management (HRM). Technology Innovation Management Review, 10 (4), 72-79. |
EL KAMALI, M., CAON, M., ANGELINI, L. (2020). Virtual Coaches for Older Adults' Wellbeing: A Systematic Review. IEEE Access, 8, 101884-101902. |
CAON, M., SÜSSE, R., GRELIER, B., ABOU KHALED, O., MUGELLINI, E. (2020). Design of an ergonomic gestural interface for professional road cycling. Work, 66 (4), 933-944. |
PALUMBO, F., CAON, M., CRIVELLO, A. (2020). "Hi This Is NESTORE, Your Personal Assistant": Design of an Integrated IoT System for a Personalized Coach for Healthy Aging. Frontiers in Digital Health. |
RODUIT, J., CAON, M., MENUZ, V. (2019). Enhancing Toward the Last Universal Common Descendant. Journal of Posthuman Studies, 2 (2), 184. doi:10.5325/jpoststud.2.2.0005. |
PUIGDOMENECH, E., CAON, M., MARTIN, A. (2019). Promoting healthy teenage behaviour across three European countries through the use of a novel smartphone technology platform, PEGASO fit for future: study protocol of a quasi-experimental, controlled, multi-Centre trial. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 19. |
ANGELINI, L., CAON, M., ABOU KHALED, O., MUGELLINI, E. (2018). Leveraging Participatory Design for Sustainable Innovation. Rivista Italiana di Ergonomia, 16/2018, 10-24. |
CAON, M., IENCA, M., FABRICE, J., ELGER, B., PAPPAGALLO, A. S., KRESSIG, R. W., WANGMO, T. (2017). Intelligent Assistive Technology for Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias: A Systematic Review. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 56 (4), 1301-1340. doi:10.3233/JAD-161037. |
CAON, M. (2017). Psychisches Wohlbefinden im Alter / Bien-être psychologique avec l'âge. Angewandte GERONTOLOGIE Appliquée, 02 (02), 1-68. doi:10.1024/2297-5160/a000057. |
CAON, M., ANGELINI, L., CARRINO, F., LEMARÉCHAL, F., COUTURE, N., KHALED, O. A., MUGELLINI, E. (2016). Testing the Tangible Interactive Window with Older Adults. GeroPsych, 29 (4), 215-224. doi:10.1024/1662-9647/a000159. |
CAON, M., ANGELINI, L., KHALED, O. A., LALANNE, D., YUE, Y., MUGELLINI, E. (2014). Affective Interaction in Smart Environments. Procedia Computer Science, 32, 1016-1021. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2014.05.527. |
CARRINO, S., CAON, M., ANGELINI, L., MUGELLINI, E., KHALED, O. A., ORTE, S., ... TABOZZI, S. (2014). PEGASO: A personalized and motivational ICT system to empower adolescents towards healthy lifestyles. Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare. |
ANGELINI, L., CAON, M., MECELLA, M., LIANG, H.-N., ABOU KHALED, O., MUGELLINI, E., BERNARDINI, D. (2022). Towards an Emotionally Augmented Metaverse: a Framework for Recording and Analysing Physiological Data and User Behaviour. 13th Augmented Human International Conference, Winnipeg, Canada. |
CAON, M., STEFFAN, I. T., RINALDI, A. (2021). Opportunities and Challenges of Digital Technologies for Inclusion. 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association. |
EL KAMALI, M., CAON, M., ANGELINI, L., CARRINO, F., STANDOLI, C. E., PEREGO, P., ... MUGELLINI, E. (2021). Inclusion Design and Functionalities of a Personalized Virtual Coach for Wellbeing to Facilitate a Universal Access for Older Adults. 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association. |
HANNOUN, F., CAON, M., CARRINO, F., ABOU KHALED, O., MUGELLINI, E. (2021). A Study on the Acceptance Towards Blockchain-Based Access to Biobanks' Services Using UTAUT2 with ITM and Perceived Risk. 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association. |
ANGELINI, L., CAON, M., MICHIELAN, E., ABOU KHALED, O., MUGELLINI, E. (2021). Seniors' Perception of Smart Speakers: Challenges and Opportunities Elicited in the Silver&Home Living Lab. 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association. |
CHEN, L., CAON, M., LIU, Y., LI, Y., YU, L., GAO, B., ... LIANG, H.-N. (2021). Effect of Visual Cues on Pointing Tasks in Co-located Augmented Reality Collaboration. Symposium on Spatial User Interaction 2021. |
CAON, M., DEMIERRE, M., ABOU KHALED, O., MUGELLINI, E., DELAIGUE, P. (2020). Enriching the User Experience of a Connected Car with Quantified Self. 3rd International Conference on Intelligence Human Systems Integration, Modène, Italy. |
VALLAT, M., CAON, M., SILACCI, A., ABOU KHALED, O., MUGELLINI, E., FEDELE, G. (2020). Comparing the Ergonomics of Gestural Interfaces While Running on a Treadmill. 11th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics. |
EL KAMALI, M., CAON, M., ANGELINI, L., LALANNE, D., ABOU KHALED, O., MUGELLINI, E. (2020). An Embodied and Ubiquitous E-coach for Accompanying Older Adults Towards a Better Lifestyle. 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Copenhagen, Denmark. |
CAON, M., ABOU KHALED, O., VAUCHER, P., MEZHER, D., MC GUIRE, G. (2020). Digitalization of the Last Mile of a Humanitarian Supply Chain. International Conference on Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies. |
SCHUEFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R., CAON, M., BUENZLI, D. (2019). The antecedents and outcomes of AI adoption in SMEs. ICSB 2019 World Congress, Le Caire, Egypt. |
CAON, M. (2019). Designing Systems for the Digital Immortality of Intangible Cultural Heritage. 1st International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies, Nice, France. |
SUBIAS-BELTRAN, P., CAON, M., ORTE, S., VARGIU, E., PALUMBO, F., ANGELINI, L., ... MUGELLINI, E. (2019). A Decision Support System to Propose Coaching Plans for Seniors. IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), Cordoba, Spain. |
SILACCI, A., CAON, M., ABOU KHALED, O., MUGELLINI, E. (2019). Designing an e-Coach to Tailor Training Plans for Road Cyclists. 2nd International Conference on Human Systems Engineering and Design, Munich, Germany. |
CAON, M., ANGELINI, L., KHALED, O. A., MUGELLINI, E., MATASSA, A. (2018). Towards Multisensory Storming. Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), Hong Kong, China (PRC). |
CAON, M. (2018). Designing Systems in the Digital Immortality Era. Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), Hong Kong, China (PRC). |
CAON, M., CARRINO, S., ANGELINI, L., KHALED, O. A., MUGELLINI, E., VELICKOVSKI, F., ANDREONI, G. (2018). Teenagers’ Usage of a Mobile-Wearable-Cloud Platform to Promote Healthy Lifestyles: the PEGASO Experience. 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Honolulu, United States of America. |
EL KAMALI, M., CAON, M., ANGELINI, L., ANDREONI, G., KHALED, O. A., MUGELLINI, E. (2018). Towards the NESTORE e-Coach: a Tangible and Embodied Conversational Agent for Older Adults. Ubicomp, Singapour, Singapore. |
DIGNUM, V., CAON, M., BALDONI, M., BAROGLIO, C., CHATILA, R., DENNIS LOUISE, A., ... LOPEZ-SANCHEZ, M. (2018). Ethics by Design: necessity or curse? AAAI/ACM Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society, New Orleans, United States of America. |
CAON, M., MENUZ, V., RODUIT, J. A. (2016). We Are Super-Humans: Towards a Democratisation of the Socio-Ethical Debate on Augmented Humanity. 7th Augmented Human International Conference, Genève, Switzerland. |
ANGELINI, L., CAON, M., CAPARROTTA, S., KHALED, O. A., MUGELLINI, E. (2016). Multi-sensory EmotiPlant: multimodal interaction with augmented plants. Ubicomp, Heidelberg, Germany. |
CAON, M., ANGELINI, L., KHALED, O. A., ALIAKSEYEU, D., MASON, J., MUGELLINI, E. (2016). Tangible interaction with light in the IoT. Ubicomp, Heidelberg, Germany. |
ANGELINI, L., CAON, M., BAUMGARTNER, J., CARRINO, F., CARRINO, S., KHALED, O. A., ... SONDEREGGER, A. (2016). A comparison of three interaction modalities in the car: gestures, voice and touch. 28ème conférence francophone sur l’Interaction Homme-Machine, Fribourg, Switzerland. |
FISCHER, A., CAON, M., GRIMM, S., BERNASCONI, V., GARZ, A., BUCHS, P., ... WAGNER, C. (2016). Nautilus: Real-Time Interaction Between Dancers and Augmented Reality with Pixel-Cloud Avatars. 28ème conférence francophone sur l’Interaction Homme-Machine, Fribourg, Switzerland. |
ANGELINI, L., CAON, M., CARRINO, F., COUTURE, N., KHALED, O. A., MUGELLINI, E. (2016). La Fenêtre Interactive Tangible. 28ème conférence francophone sur l’Interaction Homme-Machine, Fribourg, Switzerland. |
ANGELINI, L., CAON, M., LALANNE, D., MUGELLINI, E. (2015). Towards an anthropomorphic lamp for affective interaction. 9th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, Stanford, United States of America. |
ANGELINI, L., CAON, M., COUTURE, N., KHALED, O. A., MUGELLINI, E. (2015). The multisensory interactive window: immersive experiences for the elderly. Ubicomp, Osaka, Japan. |
CAON, M., CARRINO, S., MUGELLINI, E., LANG, A. R., ATKINSON, S., MAZZOLA, M., ANDREONI, G. (2015). Smart garments and accessories for healthy lifestyles. Ubicomp, Osaka, Japan. |
CARRION, C., CAON, M., CARRINO, S., MOLINER, L. A., LANG, A., ATKINSON, S., ... CASTELL, C. (2015). Wearable lifestyle tracking devices: are they useful for teenagers? Ubicomp, Osaka, Japan. |
CAON, M., CARRINO, S., GUARNIERI, R., ANDREONI, G., LAFORTUNA, C. L., KHALED, O. A., MUGELLINI, E. (2014). A persuasive system for obesity prevention in teenagers: a concept. International Workshop on Behavior Change Support Systems, Padoue, Italy. |
ANGELINI, L., CAON, M., CARRINO, F., CARRINO, S., KHALED, O. A., BAUMGARTNER, J., ... MUGELLINI, E. (2014). Gesturing on the Steering Wheel: a User-elicited taxonomy. 6th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, Seattle, United States of America. |
ANGELINI, L., CAON, M., LALANNE, D., KHALED, O. A., MUGELLINI, E. (2014). Hugginess: encouraging interpersonal touch through smart clothes. Ubicomp, Seattle, United States of America. |
CAON, M., TAGLIABUE, M., ANGELINI, L., PEREGO, P., MUGELLINI, E., ANDREONI, G. (2014). Wearable Technologies for Automotive User Interfaces: Danger or Opportunity? 6th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, Seattle, United States of America. |
CAON, M., MUGELLINI, E., PEREGO, P., ANDREONI, G. (2014). Atelier of smart garments and accessories: second edition. ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, Seattle, United States of America. |
ANGELINI, L., CAON, M., LALANNE, D., KHALED, O. A., MUGELLINI, E. (2014). An anthropomorphic lamp for the communication of emotions. 26ème conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France. |
CAON, M., CARRINO, S., LAFORTUNA, C. L., SERRANO, J., COULSON, N. S., SACCO, M., ... MUGELLINI, E. (2014). Tailoring motivational mechanisms to engage teenagers in healthy life-style: A concept. 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Cracovie, Poland. |
CAON, M., YUE, Y., TSCHERRIG, J., KHALED, O. A., MUGELLINI, E. (2013). Democratizing 3D dynamic gestures recognition. 1st IEEE Workshop on User-Centered Computer Vision (UCCV), Tampa, United States of America. |
CARRINO, F., CAON, M., RIDI, A., KHALED, O. A. (2013). Optimization of an electromyography-based activity recognition system. Biosignals and Biorobotics Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. |
CAON, M., MUGELLINI, E., KHALED, O. A. (2013). A pervasive game to promote social offline interaction. Ubicomp, Zurich, Switzerland. |
ANGELINI, L., CAON, M., CARRINO, S., BERGERON, L., NYFFELER, N., JEAN-MAIRET, M., MUGELLIINI, E. (2013). Designing a desirable smart bracelet for older adults. Ubicomp, Zurich, Switzerland. |
CAON, M., CARRINO, F., RIDI, A., YUE, Y., KHALED, O. A., MUGELLINI, E. (2013). Kinesiologic electromyography for activity recognition. 6th International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, Rhodes, Greece. |
ANGELINI, L., CAON, M., CARRINO, F., CARRINO, S., LALANNE, D., KHALED, O. A. (2013). Opportunistic synergy: a classifier fusion engine for micro-gesture recognition. 5th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, Eindhoven, Netherlands (The). |
CAON, M., KHALED, O. A., MUGELLINI, E., LALANNE, D., ANGELINI, L. (2013). Ubiquitous interaction for computer mediated communication of emotions. Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Genève, Switzerland. |
CAON, M., YUE, Y., ANDREONI, G., MUGELLINI, E. (2013). Atelier of smart garments and accessories. Ubicomp, Zurich, Switzerland. |
RÖCKE, C., CAON, M., ANGELINI, L., GUYE, S., EL KAMALI, M., ABOU KHALED, O., MUGELLINI, E. (2021). Coaching older adults towards a healthier lifestyle: psychological and technological methods. Designing Digital and Technological innovation for ageing better. Springer. |
EL KAMALI, M., CAON, M., ANGELINI, L., ANDREONI, G., DULAKE, N., CHAMBERLAIN, P., ... MUGELLINI, E. (2021). Building trust and companionship in e-coaching through embodiment. Designing Digital and Technological innovation for ageing better. Springer. |
CAON, M., GUARNERI, M. R., MASTROPIETRO, A., CAON, M., MALDONADO, L. F., FURFARI, F., ... RIZZO, G. (2019). A Personalised Virtual Coach to Counteract Ageing Decline: The H2020 NESTORE Project (1 ed.). In Alessandro Leone, Andrea Caroppo, Gabriele Rescio, Giovanni Diraco, Pietro Siciliano (Eds.), Ambient Assisted Living (pp. 3-11). Springer International Publishing. |
RINALDI, A., CAON, M., ANGELINI, L., ABOU KHALED, O., MUGELLINI, E. (2019). Codesign of Public Spaces for Intercultural Communication, Diversity and Inclusion. Advances in Design for Inclusion. Springer. |
CAON, M., RINALDI, A., KHALED, O. A., MUGELLINI, E. (2018). Designing Urban Smart Furniture for Facilitating Migrants’ Integration: The Co-design Workshop as Approach for Supporting Inclusive Design (1 ed.). In Sebastiano Bagnara, Riccardo Tartaglia, Sara Albolino, Thomas Alexander, Yushi Fujita (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2018) (pp. 461-470). Springer International Publishing. |
CAON, M., ANGELINI, L., LEDERMANN, K., MARTIN-SÖLCH, C., KHALED, O. A., MUGELLINI, E. (2018). My Pain Coach: A Mobile System with Tangible Interface for Pain Assessment (1 ed.). In Sebastiano Bagnara, Riccardo Tartaglia, Sara Albolino, Thomas Alexander, Yushi Fujita (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2018) (pp. 1372-1381). Springer International Publishing. |
CAON, M., SÜSSE, R., GRELIER, B., KHALED, O. A., MUGELLINI, E. (2018). Gesturing on the Handlebar: A User-Elicitation Study for On-Bike Gestural Interaction (1 ed.). In Sebastiano Bagnara, Riccardo Tartaglia, Sara Albolino, Thomas Alexander, Yushi Fujita (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2018) (pp. 429-439). Springer International Publishing. |
CAON, M. (2018). Towards Cross-Generational System Design (1 ed.). In Masaaki Kurosu (Ed.), Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction in Context (pp. 258-267). Springer International Publishing. |
CAON, M., VENTURA, J., INGRAM, S., ZUMSTEIN-SHAHA, M., KHALED, O. A., MUGELLINI, E. (2018). Eudaimonic Gamification to Engage Cancer Patients in Positive Coping Strategies (1 ed.). In Masaaki Kurosu (Ed.), Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction in Context (pp. 206-218). Springer International Publishing. |
CAON, M., ESSEIVA, J., MUGELLINI, E., KHALED, O. A., AMINIAN, K. (2018). Feet Fidgeting Detection Based on Accelerometers Using Decision Tree Learning and Gradient Boosting (1 ed.). In Ignacio Rojas, Francisco Ortuño (Eds.), Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (pp. 75-84). Springer International Publishing. |
CAON, M., CARRINO, S., CONDON, L., ASCOLESE, A., FACCHINETTI, S., MAZZOLA, M., ... MUGELLINI, E. (2017). PEGASO Companion: A Mobile App to Promote Healthy Lifestyles Among Adolescents (1 ed.). In Paolo Perego, Giuseppe Andreoni, Giovanna Rizzo (Eds.), Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare (pp. 53-61). Springer International Publishing. |
CAON, M., CARRINO, S., KHALED, O. A., MUGELLINI, E. (2017). Investigating How to Measure Mobile User Engagement (1 ed.). In Paolo Perego, Giuseppe Andreoni, Giovanna Rizzo (Eds.), Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare (pp. 38-44). Springer International Publishing. |
CAON, M., CARRINO, S., PRINELLI, F., CIOCIOLA, V., ADORNI, F., LAFORTUNA, C., ... MUGELLINI, E. (2015). Towards an Engaging Mobile Food Record for Teenagers (1 ed.). In Vittorio Murino, Enrico Puppo, Diego Sona, Marco Cristani, Carlo Sansone (Eds.), New Trends in Image Analysis and Processing -- ICIAP 2015 Workshops (pp. 417-424). Springer International Publishing. |
CAON, M., ANGELINI, L., CARRINO, S., KHALED, O. A., MUGELLINI, E. (2015). A Smartphone Application to Promote Affective Interaction and Mental Health (1 ed.). In Masaaki Kurosu (Ed.), Human-Computer Interaction: Design and Evaluation (pp. 460-467). Springer International Publishing. |
CAON, M., CARRINO, S., ABOU KHALED, O., ANDREONI, G., MUGELLINI, E. (2014). PEGASO: Towards a Life Companion (1 ed.). In Vincent G. Duffy (Ed.), Digital Human Modeling. Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management (pp. 325-331). Springer International Publishing. |
LAFORTUNA, C., CAON, M., TABOZZI, S. A., CARRINO, S., COULSON, N. S., SERRENO, J., ... MUGELLINI, E. (2014). Towards Individualised Persuasive Technology for Obesity Prevention in Teenagers. Healthinf. |
CAON, M., ANGELINI, L., YUE, Y., KHALED, O. A., MUGELLINI, E. (2013). Context-Aware Multimodal Sharing of Emotions (1 ed.). In Masaaki Kurosu (Ed.), Human-Computer Interaction. Towards Intelligent and Implicit Interaction (pp. 19-28). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. |
CAON, M., CARRINO, S., ABOU KHALED, O., INGOLD, R., MUGELLINI, E. (2013). Functional Gestures for Human-Environment Interaction (1 ed.). In Masaaki Kurosu (Ed.), Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Modalities and Techniques (pp. 167-176). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. |
CAON, M., ANGELINI, L., CARRINO, F., CARRINO, S., LALANNE, D., KHALED, O. A., MUGELLINI, E. (2013). WheelSense: Enabling Tangible Gestures on the Steering Wheel for In-Car Natural Interaction (1 ed.). In Masaaki Kurosu (Ed.), Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Services (pp. 531-540). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. |
CAON, M., CARRINO, S., RUFFIEUX, S., KHALED, O. A., MUGELLINI, E. (2012). Augmenting Interaction Possibilities between People with Mobility Impairments and Their Surrounding Environment (1 ed.). In Aboul Ella Hassanien, Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem, Rabie Ramadan, Tai-hoon Kim (Eds.), Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and Applications (pp. 172-181). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. |
CAON, M., ANGELINI, L., CARRINO, S., ABOU KHALED, O., MUGELLINI, E. (2011). Multi-user Pointing and Gesture Interaction for Large Screen Using Infrared Emitters and Accelerometers (1 ed.). In Julie A. Jacko (Ed.), Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Techniques and Environments (pp. 185-193). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. |
ANGELINI, L., CAON, M., CASAS, J., CENA, F., RAPP, A., ABOU KHALED, O., MUGELLINI, E. (2018). Ubiquitous Chatbots: Workshop on Wearable and Embodied Conversational Agents. Ubicomp. |
CAON, M., ANGELINI, L., MUGELLINI, E., MATASSA, A., BIANCHI-BERTHOUZE, N., SINGH, A., TAJADURA-JIMÈNEZ, A. (2016). Third workshop on full-body and multisensory experience. Ubicomp. |
MATASSA, A., CAON, M., ANGELINI, L., OBRIST, M., MUGELLINI, E. (2016). Second Workshop on Full-Body and Multisensory Experience. 10th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction. |
MATASSA, A., CAON, M., CONSOLE, L., ANGELINI, L., ABOU KHALED, O. (2015). Workshop on full-body and multisensory experience in ubiquitous interaction. Ubicomp. |
SOARES LIMA VIEIRA, P., BISCARO, M., CAON, M. (2024). QoQa: Breaking Boundaries and Scaling an Online Community. |
Award/Honors | Honorary Research Fellow | 2018 |