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Pascal Wild

+41 26 429 63 52
Büro: HEG 415

Pascal Wild is Dean of the School of Management Fribourg (HES-SO) and is committed to the development of the educational programs of the Management School and to the promotion of academic excellence in close collaboration with the various stakeholders.

During his academic career, he has taught at various universities of applied sciences of the HES-SO and has played a leading role in various national and international research projects. Previously, he worked as a licensed auditor for a Big 4 firm and co-founded a company in the fiduciary services sector.

He holds a PhD from the University of Geneva in the field of SME internationalization and has published several papers on this topic.


Journal article

MC LAREN, E., SALAMPASIS, D., BUSULWA, R., BALDEGGER, R., WILD, P. (2024). Key stakeholders and their roles in modern slavery monitoring, detection and disclosure: a systematic literature review. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 15 (6), 1310-1337.
WILD, P. (2020). The Importance of Global Business Hubs on Internationalizing SMEs: an empirical analysis of psychic and geographic distance. Technology Innovation Management Review, 10 (4), 35-47.
RÉGNIER, P., WILD, P. (2018). SME internationalization and the role of global cities: a tentative conceptualization. International Journal of Export Marketing, 2 (3), 158-179.

Paper presented at a peer-reviewed conference

WILD, P., CAPOMOLLA, R. (2024). International Entrepreneurship Under the Influence of Network Dynamics - A Case Study Among Resilient Smes Before and During COVID-19. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, South Korea.
WILD, P., MC LAREN, E. (2024). Web-based Internationalization Indicators: Semantic Data Mining in the Service of International Entrepreneurship. Geneve/Fribourg Entrepreneurship Forum, Switzerland.
WILD, P., MC LAREN, E. (2023). Internet as a data source for SME internationalization studies. Academy of International Business, Varsovie, Poland.
WILD, P. (2023). The Survival of Internationalizing SMEs: The Liabilities of Newness, Smallness and EO. Academy of Management, Boston, United States of America.
RÉGNIER, P., WILD, P. (2022). Emerging Markets and Small Business Internationalization: Export Development Training Initiatives for SMEs in Western Switzerland. 5th Research Workshop on Export Management, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
SCHUEFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R., WILD, P. (2020). The effects of entrepreneurial orientation in a digital and international setting. Entrepreneurial Orientation Research Conference, Laramie, United States of America.
WILD, P. (2019). The Phenomenon of western SME in distant and emerging Southeast Asia: The hinterland accessing and managing role of Singapore. 36th EAMSA Annual Conference, Dornbirn, Austria.
RÉGNIER, P., WILD, P. (2018). SME Internationalization and the Role of Global Cities: A Tentative Conceptualization. Academy of International Business 2018, Birmingham, Great Britain.
WILD, P. (2018). Firm Internationalization and Global Cities: Exploring the Role of Hubs for Swiss SMEs in Southeast Asia. 35th EAMSA Annual Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
WILD, P. (2018). SME Internationalization and Distant Market Entry Hubs: The Role of Asian Global Cities for Internationalizing SME in Switzerland. 35th EAMSA Annual Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
RÉGNIER, P., WILD, P. (2017). Exploring the Small Business Internationalization Role of Global Cities: The Case of Swiss SMEs. EAMSA Conference 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark.
RÉGNIER, P., WILD, P. (2016). SME Internationalization and Distant Emerging Economies: Exploring the Market Entry Role of Asian Global Cities. EAMSA Conference 2016, Suzhou, China (PRC).
RÉGNIER, P., WILD, P. (2014). Internationalization of SMEs to Asian Emerging Markets: Swiss SMEs and the Attraction of China's Rapid Growth. SSEM Euro-Conference, Budapest, Hungary.
WILD, P., SCHÜFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R., RÉGNIER, P. (2014). Similar but disparate: The Early Internationalization Phase of Family vs. Non-Family Firms. Academy of International Business 2014, Vancouver, Canada.


WILD, P. (2016). Profiling Family-Run Exporters: A Quantitative Study on the International Behavior of Family-Run Small and Medium-Sized Businesses. Lambert Academic Publishing.

Book chapter

WILD, P., BALDEGGER, R. (2022). Analyzing SMEs innovation performance: Exploring the role of Degree of Internationalization (DOI), Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO), and firm size. Innovation and Internationalization of Small and Medium Enterprises: A Crossroads Perspective (pp. 15-45). Peter Lang.
WILD, P., BALDEGGER, R. (2022). Early and Rapid or Late and Slow? Path Dependency Caused by Age at Internationalization. International Leadership. uniscope. Publikationen der SGO Stiftung (pp. 49-77). Springer Gabler.
RÉGNIER, P., WILD, P. (2022). Revisiting the concept of "technology for the people": from Gandhi and Schumacher to 21st century new developments. Handbook of Innovation & Appropriate Technologies for International Development (pp. 2-6). Edward Elgar Publishing.
RÉGNIER, P., WILD, P. (2022). The rise of emerging economies: implications on appropriate technology development in theory and practice. Handbook of Innovation & Appropriate Technologies for International Development (pp. 47-53). Edward Elgar Publishing.
BALDEGGER, R., WILD, P., SCHUEFFEL, P. (2021). The effects of entrepreneurial orientation in a digital and international setting. Entrepreneurial Orientation: Epistemological, Theoretical, and Empirical Perspectives (pp. 145-174). Emerald Publishing Limited.
RÉGNIER, P., WILD, P. (2021). Internationalisation of SMEs and Distant Markets: The Networking and Service Functions of Global Cities. Empirical International Entrepreneurship: A Handbook of Methods, Approaches, and Applications (pp. 27-42). Springer.
RÉGNIER, P., WILD, P. (2017). The Geo-economics of Global Cities: Exploring New Avenues for Expanding Business Internationalization. In Mark Munoz (Ed.), Advances in Geoeconomics (pp. 29-45). The Geo-economics of Global Cities: Exploring New Avenues for Expanding Business Internationalization.
RÉGNIER, P., WILD, P. (2016). Recent Trends in First-Class World Competitiveness: Singapore and Switzerland in Global Entrepreneurship Rankings? In Yvonne Guo, J. J. Woo (Eds.), Singapore and Switzerland: Secrets to Small State Success (pp. 121-148). Recent Trends in First-Class World Competitiveness: Singapore and Switzerland in Global Entrepreneurship Rankings?

Book editor

RÉGNIER, P., FREY, D., PIERRE, S., VARGHESE, K., WILD, P. (2022). Handbook of Innovation & Appropriate Technologies for International Development. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Invited speaker

RÉGNIER, P., WILD, P. (2017). Internationalization Of SMEs And The Entrepreneurship Hub Role Of Global Cities In Asia & Europe. EAMSA Conference 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Doctoral thesis

WILD, P. (2019). Firm Internationalization and Global Cities. Exploring the role of Singapore for Swiss SMEs in Southeast Asia. Université de Genève, Switzerland.


BALDEGGER, R., GAUDART, R., WILD, P., APALKOVA, V. (2024). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Switzerland 2023/2024.
BALDEGGER, R., VONLANTHEN, F., WILD, P. (2024). Swiss International Entrepreneurship Survey: Le comportement d'internationalisation des PME suisses.
BALDEGGER, R., GAUDART, R., WILD, P. (2023). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2022/2023: Report on Switzerland.
BALDEGGER, R., GAUDART, R., WILD, P. (2022). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2021/2022: Report on Switzerland.
BALDEGGER, R., GAUDART, R., WILD, P. (2021). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2020-2021: Report on Switzerland.
BALDEGGER, R., GAUDART, R., WILD, P. (2020). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2019-2020: Report on Switzerland.
BALDEGGER, R., ALBERTON, S., GAUDART, R., HUBER, A., WILD, P. (2019). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2018/2019: Report on Switzerland.
BALDEGGER, R., WILD, P. (2019). Internationalization Behavior of SMEs in the Global Context. Entrepreneurial Orientation, Speed and Performance. Fribourg, Switzerland.
BALDEGGER, R., HERVÉ, A., WILD, P. (2019). Swiss International Entrepreneurship Survey (SIES) 2019. Résultats de l’étude sur le comportement d’internationalisation des PME suisses. Fribourg, Switzerland.
BALDEGGER, R., MERKLE, R., WILD, P. (2019). Swiss International Entrepreneurship Survey (SIES) 2019. Studienergebnisse zum Internationalisierungsverhalten von Schweizer KMU. Fribourg, Switzerland.
BALDEGGER, R., GAUDART, R., ALBERTON, S., HUBER, A., WILD, P. (2018). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2017/2018: Report on Switzerland.
BALDEGGER, R., WILD, P., ALBERTON, S., HUBER, A., HACKLIN, F., SAGLAM, O. (2017). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - Report on Switzerland 2016/2017. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - Report on Switzerland 2016/2017.
BALDEGGER, R., WILD, P., ALBERTON, S., HUBER, A., HACKLIN, F., SAGLAM, O. (2016). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - Report on Switzerland 2015/2016. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - Report on Switzerland 2015/2016.
BALDEGGER, R., WILD, P., MOREL, B. (2016). Swiss International Entrepreneurship Survey 2016: Results of the study on the internationalization of Swiss SMEs. Swiss International Entrepreneurship Survey 2016: Results of the study on the internationalization of Swiss SMEs.
BALDEGGER, R., WILD, P., ALBERTON, S., HUBER, A., HACKLIN, F., SAGLAM, O. (2015). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - Report on Switzerland 2014. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - Report on Switzerland 2014.

Short paper

RÉGNIER, P., WILD, P. (2017). Internationalisation des PME et villes globales: quel rôle pour Casablanca. Conference GEM, Casablanca, Morocco.
RÉGNIER, P., WILD, P. (2017). GEM-Maroc / GEM-Suisse: Quelles collaborations dans le futur proche? Conference GEM, Casablanca, Morocco.


Award/Honors PhD Award 2018