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Philipp Bubenzer

Ordentlicher Professor FH/Institutsleiter
+41 26 429 63 65
Büro: HEG 423

Philipp Bubenzer has dealt with innovation for the past twenty years - in research and practice. He researches and teaches innovation management and organizational behavior at the Fribourg School of Management (HEG-FR), at ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) and at EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) in Switzerland where he received the "Best Teacher Award".

Before becoming professor of innovation management, he was co-founder and acting director of the Biopharma Management Center at WHU - Beisheim School of Managementand a visiting scholar at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, Evanston.

Philipp has experience in high-tech start-ups and corporate entrepreneurship:

He was a member of the intial business leadership team at the biotechnology venture BASF-LYNX Bioscience, where he led corporate development and finance. BASF-LYNX had been founded with the support of Dr. Sydney Brenner (nobel laureate in medicine and physiology 2002) holding exclusive rights to some of his inventions to mRNA analysis. The company received the “Technology Innovation of the Year Award” by Frost & Sullivan, was spun out of the BASF group, renamed Axaron Bioscience, sold to investors and went public through a reverse merger.

He also was a member of the founding leadership team and headed business development of PatentSight, a data analytics start-up that provides global technology strategy insights based on proprietary IP databases and algorithms to blue-chip corporate clients. PatentSight was sold to LexisNexis.

Philipp received his doctorate in innovation management from a leading business school in entrepreneurship, the WHU - Beisheim School of Management, with highest distinction ('summa cum laude'). Before, he completed graduate studies in business administration at the European Business School (ebs) and also pursued a short executive program in corporate strategy at the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Philipp is married and lives with five kids in a lovely country village north of Lausanne. A native Swiss with origins in Lavigny, VD and German with roots close to Cologne, Philipp is fluent in French, German, English and conversational in Spanish.


Journal article

BRABANT, C., BUBENZER, P., DONZÉ, T., FAVRE PERRET, M. (2021). L'instruction en famille en Suisse romande: portrait des familles et motivations parentales. Revue Suisse des Sciences de l'éducation, 43 (3), pp. 430-450.

Paper presented at a peer-reviewed conference

BUBENZER, P., STEPHAN, A. (2024). Uncovering a Dark Side of Corporate Accelerators? Exploring Motivation and Attachment Effects on Participants. R&D Management Conference, Sweden.
BUBENZER, P. (2024). Leadership for Global Impact: Explore or Exploit while Scaling? XXXV ISPIM Innovation Conference, Estonia.
NGOUSSI MAKONGO, D., BUBENZER, P. (2024). From reframed problems to radical solutions: Expert insights how to change perspectives for more radical innovation. Geneve/Fribourg Entrepreneurship Forum, Switzerland.
GOUVEIA LOPES, I., BUBENZER, P. (2024). Radical Innovation Implementation: A Review and Emerging Framework of Barriers and Drivers. Geneve/Fribourg Entrepreneurship Forum, Switzerland.
BUBENZER, P., SOMMER, V. (2024). Talent Acquisition: Employer Perceptions, Candidate Experiences and Digital Transformation. Geneve/Fribourg Entrepreneurship Forum, Switzerland.
BUBENZER, P. (2023). Identification with opportunities: Exploring mechanisms of personal attachments to opportunity ideas. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Knoxville, United States of America.
BUBENZER, P. (2023). Innovation Communities of Swiss SMEs: Activation and Management for More Open Innovation. ICSB 2023 World Congress, Seoul, South Korea.
BUBENZER, P., STEPHAN, A. (2023). Between the good and the bad life: Exploring internal entrepreneurs' identification dynamics with accelerators, projects and established organizations. 39th EGOS Colloquium, Cagliari, Italy.
STEPHAN, A., BUBENZER, P. (2022). Learning from unofficial projects: A case study about differentiation between official projects and underground projects. 38th EGOS Colloquium, Vienne, Austria.
BUBENZER, P. (2022). Exploring Design Thinking Practices in Swiss Innovation Communities. ISPIM Connects Conference, Athènes, Greece.
BUBENZER, P., STEPHAN, A. (2021). Members or Mavericks? Organizational Identification Dynamics during Secret Innovation Projects. 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
STEPHAN, A., KRINGELUM, L., BUBENZER, P. (2021). Inside the loop: Engaged scholarship through embedded researcher employment. 37th EGOS Colloquium.
BUBENZER, P. (2021). The innovator's attachment? Exploring the dark side of members' identification with established customers. R&D Management Conference 2021.
BUBENZER, P. (2021). Scaling: Evidence-based concept and challenges. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference 2021.
BUBENZER, P., NICOD, C. (2021). Raising entrepreneurs: Entrepreneurial attitudes of public- versus home-schooled children. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference 2021.
BUBENZER, P. (2021). Who are we becoming: An identity-based view of members' identification with innovations. Druid21, Copenhague, Denmark.
BUBENZER, P. (2020). Understanding Scaling: Towards a Framework of Key Challenges. ISPIM Conference.
BUBENZER, P., NICOD, C. (2020). Crisis-driven disruption of public education: Best practices from homeschooling innovators. ISPIM Conference.
STEPHAN, A., BUBENZER, P. (2020). Accelerators, identities and identifications: Exploring tensions and unintended consequences for entrepreneurs in established organizations. 36th EGOS Colloquium.
BUBENZER, P. (2020). Mind the Gap: Organizational Identity Comparisons at PHARMACO. 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
BUBENZER, P., STEPHAN, A. (2019). Ex tenebris: Challenges and strategies for surfacing and reintegrating secret innovation projects.. Academy of Management Conference, Boston, United States of America.
FOERSTER, S., BUBENZER, P., BRUSONI, S. (2019). Chasing a moving target: Using design thinking to blend the rational and foolish aspects of problem-solving. Academy of Management Conference, Boston, United States of America.
BUBENZER, P. (2018). Outside the box ? : exploring outsiders' organizational identification and idea generation in open innovation. Academy of Management Conference, Chicago, United States of America.
STEPHAN, A., BUBENZER, P. (2018). Bootlegging projects in a technology-driven organization : overcoming internal challenges. 34th EGOS Colloquium, Tallinn, Estonia.
STEPHAN, A., BUBENZER, P. (2018). Mastering transfer: Strategies of corporate entrepreneurs to surface and implement their secret radical innovation projects. G-forum, Stuttgart, Germany.
SCHMITZ, B., STEPHAN, A., BUBENZER, P. (2018). Disrupt or be disrupted: The role of different adoption strategies of incumbent organizations in coping with disruption through distributed ledger technologies. G-forum, Stuttgart, Germany.
STEPHAN, A., BUBENZER, P. (2018). Pacta sunt servanda? Organizational identification dynamics and behavioral paradoxes in secret innovation projects. Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Hyderabad, India.
BUBENZER, P., ROUSE, E., GRÉGOIRE, D. (2017). Your idea is also mine (now)! : psychological ownership and identification with ideas in organizations. Micro Meets Macro Conference 2017, Tempe, United States of America.
BUBENZER, P., SCHUEFFEL, P. (2017). The stages theory is dead, long live the stages theory! : reviewing the state of the art in organizational lifecycle research. XXVIII ISPIM Innovation Conference, Vienna, Austria.
BUBENZER, P., FOREMAN, P. (2017). Revisiting the identity gap : the effects of new product and organizational identities on organizational identification. Frontiers in MOC-TIM Conference 2017, Zurich, Switzerland.
STEPHAN, A., BUBENZER, P. (2017). Going rogue for the love of the firm : the paradox of organizational identification in hidden innovation projects. 33rd EGOS Colloquium 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark.
STEPHAN, A., BUBENZER, P., FAUCHART, E. (2017). Hidden innovation projects : when is the right time to surface? DRUID17, New York, United States of America.
XIAOYING, F., BUBENZER, P., BALDEGGER, R., WALES, B. (2016). Exploring International Growth of Swiss SMEs: The Role of Product Knowledge and Network. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting 2016, New Orleans, United States of America.
BUBENZER, P., BALDEGGER, R. (2016). Reconsidering performance effects of employee autonomy in the pursuit of entrepreneurial opportunities. Babson College Entrepreneurial Research Conference 2016, Bodo, Norway.
BUBENZER, P., SLUSS, D. (2016). Shared leadership in teams: Exploring the effect of relational identification on in-roel performance. Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, United States of America.
STEPHAN, A., BUBENZER, P., FAUCHART, E. (2016). Bootlegging in a technology driven organization - Overcoming internal challenges. 32nd EGOS Colloquium, Naples, Italy.
BUBENZER, P., GREGOIRE, D., BERGMANN, H. (2016). A better measure of early-stage opportunity beliefs? Babson College Entrepreneurial Research Conference 2016, Bodo, Norway.
BUBENZER, P. (2016). Identifying with the firm: Effects on creativity in open innovation. ISPIM Innovation Forum, Boston, United States of America.
BUBENZER, P., ROUSE, B., GREGOIRE, D. (2015). Your Idea Is Also Mine (Now)! Psychological Ownership and Identification with Ideas in Organizations. Academy of Management Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
BUBENZER, P., GREGOIRE, D., NYFFELER, N. (2015). Opportunity identification and identification with opportunities: Expanding the motivational dynamics of entrepreneurial action. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Boston, United States of America.
STEPHAN, A., BUBENZER, P., FAUCHART, E. (2015). Bootlegging in a technology driven organization - Overcoming internal challenges. AIMS, Paris, France.
BUBENZER, P., WEBER, K. (2014). Who are We Becoming? Consequences of Innovations for Members’ Identification with their Organization. Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
BUBENZER, P., FOREMAN, P. (2014). Exploring the Effects of Hybrid Product and Organizational Identities on Organizational Identification. Academy of Management 2014, Philadelphia, United States of America.

Book chapter

ASHFORTH, B., MOSER, J., BUBENZER, P. (2020). Identities and Identification: Beyond our Fixation on the Organization. Oxford Handbook of Identities in Organizations.
SYTCH, M., BUBENZER, P. (2008). Research on Strategic Alliances in Biotechnology: An Assessment and Review. Handbook of Bioentrepreneurship (pp. 105-131). Springer International Publishing.

Faculty research seminar

BUBENZER, P. (2017). Rethinking open innovation : outsiders’ organizational identification and creative outcomes. D-MTEC Seminar ETH Zürich.
BUBENZER, P. (2016). Managing creativity for strategic renewal: The path to the best idea! Strategic Renewal Workshop, EHL Lausanne.
BUBENZER, P., ROUSE, B., GREGOIRE, D. (2015). Your Idea Is Also Mine (Now)! Psychological Ownership and Identification with Ideas in Organizations. D-MTEC TIM Seminar, ETH Zurich.
BUBENZER, P., ROUSE, B., GREGOIRE, D. (2015). Your Idea Is Also Mine (Now)! Psychological Ownership and Identification with Ideas in Organizations. Llorg seminar, Université de Lausanne.

Invited speaker

BUBENZER, P. (2019). Design Thinking. (Invited talk at Innosuisse KT workshop).
BUBENZER, P. (2019). Design Thinking. (Invited talk at launch of "Inno Booster" program of swiss government).


BUBENZER, P. (2019). Innovation: Beyond technologies.
BUBENZER, P. (2019). Scale-up Challenges (Invited talk at National Coaching Meeting, Innosuisse).


Award/Honors Best paper: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2023
Award/Honors Award for Support of Innovation in Fribourg 2019
Award/Honors Best Teacher Award 2016