EMBA in Integrated management
Durchschnittliche Anzahl von Teilnehmenden pro Klasse
Durchschnittsalter der Teilnehmenden
Durchschnittliche Anzahl an Erfahrungsjahren
Constant gardener
Gaëtan Bader
Smart moves, with a dash of humor
Philippe Barras
Sci-Fi addict
Audrey Calabria
Gottéron forever !
Pierre-Antoine Chassot
Nature lover !
Frédéric Delachaux
Fascinated by the majesty of mountains
Samuel Fallegger
Always on the move
Michel Godinat
Table tennis player
Jacques Grandjean
Architect of fire and light
Pascal Huber
Tapas & table tennis enthusiast
Fernando Martins
Soaring through skies, swinging on fairways
Baptiste Morand
Napping Lover
Martial Morey
Learn, share and practice again & again
Sylvain Plagellat
Nature photographer and runner
Jean-Luc Riedo
Nature enthusiast
Sulaica Tardy
Rooted in family values
Rachel Walther
Gaëtan Wuilloud
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