DA SILVA, C. (2024). The Role of Incubators and Maker Spaces in Facilitating Entrepreneurial Growth: A Stakeholder View. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, United States of America.
DA SILVA, C. (2024). The emergence of a digital platform. ICSB World Congress, Germany.
DA SILVA, C. (2024). Unlocking entrepreneurial potential: Understanding start-up acceleration. ICSB World Congress, Germany.
DA SILVA, C. (2024). Fostering entrepreneurial ecosystems: A governance lens on start-up makerspaces. Geneve/Fribourg Entrepreneurship Forum, Switzerland.
DA SILVA, C. (2023). Towards an ecosystem logic: An entrepreneurial approach to engaging stakeholders in complementary activities. ICSB 2023 World Congress, Seoul, South Korea.
DA SILVA, C. (2023). Entrepreneurial Acceleration for Start-ups: Understanding the Role of Dominant Stakeholders in Facilitating Entrepreneurial Growth. ICSB 2023 World Congress, Seoul, South Korea.
DA SILVA, C. (2022). Understanding how firms shape their economics and governance dependencies to form an ecosystem on the digital era. ICSB 2022 World Congress, Washington, United States of America.
DA SILVA, C. (2022). A resource reconfiguration lens on digital innovation. ICSB 2022 World Congress, Washington, United States of America.
DA SILVA, C. (2022). Fostering the growth of entrepreneurial ecosystems: Investor, corporate, university & government accelerators. SASE's 34th Annual Meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands (The).
DA SILVA, C. (2021). How Can I Help You? The Underlying Motivations of Start-up Mentors. ICSB 2021 World Congress, Paris, France.
DA SILVA, C. (2021). How Angel Investors Associate Meaning to Resource Exchange. ICSB 2021 World Congress, Paris, France.
DA SILVA, C. (2021). Digital Transformation: How stakeholders conceptualize new business model in the digital age. ICSB 2021 World Congress, Paris, France.
DA SILVA, C. (2021). From Micro to a Macro Level Understanding of Business Model Innovation. ICSB 2021 World Congress, Paris, France.
DA SILVA, C. (2021). Understanding National Innovation Ecosystems: The Accelerator. ICSB 2021 World Congress, Paris, France.
DA SILVA, C. (2021). Theoretical framework for the use of analogical blending to govern and legitimize novel business models. 37th EGOS Colloquium.
DA SILVA, C. (2021). Understanding Early Stage Investors' Motivations: A Resource Exchange Lens. 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
DA SILVA, C. (2021). Business Model Innovation via Resource Reconfiguration in the Digital Context. EURAM Conference 2021.
FARIBORZI, H., DA SILVA, C., OSIYEVSKYY, O. (2021). Performance Implications of SMEs' Geographical Scope. Academy of International Business 2021.
DA SILVA, C., GLASER, V. (2020). Seeing more than there is: The Eliza effect and the emergence of new business model. 36th EGOS Colloquium.
FARIBORZI, H., DA SILVA, C., OSIYEVSKYY, O. (2020). The Impact of Geographic Scope on SME Growth. Academy of International Business 2020.
DA SILVA, C. (2020). Business Model Innovation and Resource Reconfiguration in a Digitally Enabled World. 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
FARIBORZI, H., DA SILVA, C. (2020). The More the Merrier? Geographic Scope and SME Growth Dynamics. 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
DA SILVA, C. (2020). The Sources of Innovativeness in Business Model Innovation. 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
DEMENTYEVA, D., DA SILVA, C. (2020). Switzerland: Understanding the Local Start-Up Ecosystem For Innovation and Growth. ISPIM Conference.
DA SILVA, C. (2020). Digitally Driven Innovation: The GPS Innovation Industry in France. ISPIM Conference.
GLASER, V., DA SILVA, C. (2020). Innovation Through Analogies: A Business Models Lens. ISPIM Conference.
DA SILVA, C. (2019). More than money: explaining variance in angel investors. ESCB Conference, Séville, Spain.
DA SILVA, C., GABRIELSSON, J. (2019). Entrepreneurial Acceleration and Dominant Stakeholders: A Resource Exchange Theory Lens. EURAM Conference 2019, Lisbonne, Portugal.
DA SILVA, C. (2019). Searching for a New Logic of the Firm: Understanding the Process of Business Model Innovation. EURAM Conference 2019, Lisbonne, Portugal.
DA SILVA, C. (2019). Digital business models: A process model of innovation. 10th International Research Meeting in Business and Management, Nice, France.
DA SILVA, C. (2019). Angel investor identity types and core exchanges with early stage firms. 10th International Research Meeting in Business and Management, Nice, France.
DA SILVA, C. (2019). Rethinking identity and entrepreneurship: where did we go wrong. Wharton Global Faculty Development Program, Philadelphie, United States of America.
DA SILVA, C. (2019). Identity orientation: The origins of investors motivations and distinct forms of resource exchange. Academy of Management Conference, Boston, United States of America.
DA SILVA, C. (2019). Managing Business Model Change in a Dynamic Environment. Academy of Management Conference, Boston, United States of America.
DA SILVA, C. (2019). An Identity Perspective on Entrepreneurial Finance. Rent Conference, Berlin, Germany.
DA SILVA, C., OSIYEVSKYY, O. (2019). Business Model Innovation: A Multi-Level Theory. Rent Conference, Berlin, Germany.
DA SILVA, C. (2018). The Role of Angel Investors Identity in Entrepreneurial Finance. ACERE Conference 2018, Brisbane, Australia.
DA SILVA, C. (2018). Understanding the new generation incubation model: the coworking model. ACERE Conference 2018, Brisbane, Australia.
DA SILVA, C. (2018). Business Model Innovation: a conceptual model for corporate entrepreneurship. ACERE Conference 2018, Brisbane, Australia.
DA SILVA, C. (2017). Business Model Innovation: A Top Management Perspective. Business Model Conference, Venice, Italy.
DA SILVA, C., OSIYEVSKYY, O. (2017). Business Model Innovation in Incumbent Firms: A Conceptual Model of Process, Antecedents, and Outcomes. Business Model Conference, Venice, Italy.
DA SILVA, C. (2017). The Role of Angel Investor Identity in Entrepreneurship. Academy of Management 2017, Atlanta, United States of America.
DA SILVA, C., OSIYEVSKYY, O. (2017). Business Model Innovation - a cluster of routines view. ICEIRD, Thessaloniki, Greece.
DA SILVA, C., GURTNER, P. (2017). A five model approach to acceleration. ICEIRD, Thessaloniki, Greece.
DA SILVA, C. (2017). Business Model Innovation: A High Tech SMEs Perspective. ICEIRD, Thessaloniki, Greece.
DA SILVA, C., GOULD, T. (2017). Angel investors investment decision making: an identity perspective. ICEIRD, Thessaloniki, Greece.
DA SILVA, C. (2017). Accelerators: an assessment of acceleration models. Academy of Management 2017, Atlanta, United States of America.
DA SILVA, C., OSIYEVSKYY, O. (2017). Business Model Innovation: A Theoretical Perspective And Its Implications For Entrepreneurship Research. Academy of Management 2017, Atlanta, United States of America.
DA SILVA, C. (2017). Business Model Innovation in Large Companies: Disruption. Lisbon Business Storm - Disruptive Knowledge, Lisbon, Portugal.
DA SILVA, C. (2017). The Impact of Accelerators: An Ecosystem Perspective. EURAM Conference 2017, Glasgow, Great Britain.
DA SILVA, C. (2017). Business Model innovation: A Practitioner Perspective. EURAM Conference 2017, Glasgow, Great Britain.
DA SILVA, C., OSIYEVSKYY, O. (2017). Conceptualizing Business Model Innovation: A Cluster of Routines Perspective. EURAM Conference 2017, Glasgow, Great Britain.
DA SILVA, C. (2017). Social Identity: An Investor Perspective. EURAM Conference 2017, Glasgow, Great Britain.
DA SILVA, C. (2017). Business Model Innovation in Swiss SMEs: A Co-Word Analysis. DRUID17, New York, United States of America.
DA SILVA, C., GOULD, T. (2017). The Role of Angel Investor Identity in Entrepreneurship. McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, Galway, Ireland.
DA SILVA, C., GURTNER, P. (2017). Accelerators: an assessment of acceleration models. McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, Galway, Ireland.
DA SILVA, C., OSIYEVSKYY, O. (2017). Business Model Innovation in Incumbent Firms: A Conceptual Model of Process, Antecedents, and Outcomes. SMS Annual Conference 2017, Houston, United States of America.
DA SILVA, C. (2016). Business Model Innovation In Incumbent Firms: A Practitioners' Perspective And Implications For Entrepreneurship Research. ACERE Conference 2016, Queensland, Australia.
DA SILVA, C. (2016). The business model innovation in practice and its implications for entrepreneurship research. ANZIBA Conference, Sydney, Australia.
DA SILVA, C. (2016). Business Model Innovation: A Discourse Analysis Of CEOs. ISPIM Innovation Management Conference, Porto, Portugal.
DA SILVA, C. (2015). Business Model Innovation In Incumbent Firms: A Practitioners' Perspective And Implications For Entrepreneurship Research. Invest Horizon, Lisbon, Portugal.
DA SILVA, C. (2015). Business Model Innovation In Incumbent Firms: A Practitioners' Perspective And Implications For Entrepreneurship Research. Coinvest Venture Days, Nova Gorica, Slovenia.