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Isa Cakir

Collaborateur scientifique HES
+41 26 429 64 74
Bureau : Technopark

Dr. Isa Cakir studied mathematics (major subject), physics and astronomy at the University of Zurich, and gained a PhD in the field of stochastic analysis. After his doctorate and post-doc-position, he worked as an expert and manager in the banking and insurance sector. During this time, he collected valuable practical experience in product development, pricing, valuation and risk management and introduced various methodological innovations in these areas. Particularly in risk management, he succeeded in introducing, promoting and implementing various internal modules in the Swiss Solvency Test (SST) for his employer.

He gave lectures related to financial mathematics, risk management, credit risk, macro economy and stochastic models for actuarial and risk management purposes at various institutes and companies. He is a passionate and practice-oriented mathematician with special interests in stochastics, game theory and their applications in social sciences and risk management.


Dr. Isa Cakir studierte Mathematik (Hauptfach), Physik und Astronomie an der Universität Zürich und promovierte auf dem Gebiet der Stochastischen Analysis. Nach seiner Doktorarbeit und einer anschliessenden Post-Doc-Position arbeitete er als Experte und Führungsperson in der Banken- und Versicherungsbranche. Während dieser Zeit sammelte er wertvolle Praxiserfahrungen in Produktentwicklung, Pricing, Bewertung und Risikomanagement und konnte in diesen Bereichen diverse methodische Neuerungen einführen.

Insbesondere im Bereich Risikomanagement ist es ihm gelungen, diverse interne Module im Swiss Solvency Test (SST) einzuführen, voranzutreiben und gewinnbringend umzusetzen.
Er hielt an verschiedenen Instituten und Firmen Vorträge über Finanzmathematik, Risikomanagement, Kreditrisiko, Makroökonomie sowie stochastische Modelle für aktuarielle Zwecke. Er ist ein leidenschaftlicher und anwendungsorientierter Mathematiker mit besonderen Interessen in Stochastik, Spieltheorie und deren Anwendungen in Sozialwissenschaften und im Risikomanagement.


Journal article

CAKIR, I., AERNI, P., BERGMAN, M. M., CAKIR, B. (2023). esg2go: A Method to Reduce Bias, Improve Coherence, and Increase Practicality of ESG Rating and Reporting. Sustainability, 15.
CAKIR, B., SCHLUEP, I., AERNI, P., CAKIR, I. (2021). Amalgamation of Export with Import Information: The Economic Complexity Index as a Coherent Driver of Sustainability. Sustainability, 13 (4).
CAKIR, I., CHRYSSAPHINOU, O., MANSSON, M. (1999). On a Conjecture by Eriksson Concerning Overlap in Strings. Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 8 (5), 429-440.

Working Papers

CAKIR, I., CAKIR, B. (2023). Credit Risk of Financial Vehicle for Energy Retrofits of Buildings (3). Center for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (CCRS) at the School of Management Fribourg.
CAKIR, I., CAKIR, B., AERNI, P. (2022). Methodological Framework of esg2go (2). Center for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (CCRS) at the School of Management Fribourg.


KLIPPEL, M., ZEA ESCAMILLA, E., CAKIR, I., MANIAK, M. (2020). Challenges and opportunities for timber buildings in the swiss real estate market: The role of carbon credits. Zurich.