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Kilian Klösel

Collaborateur scientifique HES


Journal article

BALDEGGER, U., KLÖSEL, K. (2023). Fashion Entrepreneurship: Narcissism and Entrepreneurial Intention. Journal of Enterprising Culture, 31 (3), 233-251.
MARAN, T., BALDEGGER, U., KLÖSEL, K. (2022). Turning visions into results: unraveling the distinctive paths of leading with vision and autonomy to goal achievement. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 43 (1), 133-154.
KLÖSEL, K. (2022). Self-leadership: The power behind empowerment. Journal of the International Council for Small Business, 3 (4), 262-269. doi:
BALDEGGER, U., KLÖSEL, K., FALTIN, S. (2022). Narzissmus und Unternehmerische Intention in Modehochschulen. Zeitschrift für KMU & Entrepreneurship, 70 (2), 71-90.
BALDEGGER, U., KLÖSEL, K., POSER, N. (2022). Learning to fly - the mediating role of self-leadership in empowering leadership. Journal of Leadership Studies.
SCHRÖDER, S., BALDEGGER, U., KLÖSEL, K. (2021). Empowering Leadership als Erfolgsfaktor in der Innovation. Springer, 1 (1), pp. 1-12.
BALDEGGER, U., KLÖSEL, K. (2021). Visionäre Führung und Empowering in KMU. Zeitschrift für KMU & Entrepreneurship, 69 (3).

Paper presented at a peer-reviewed conference

KLÖSEL, K. (2021). Visionary and Empowering Leadership in SMEs. ICSB 2021 World Congress, Paris, France.