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Magali Dubosson

Professeure HES ordinaire/Responsable d'institut
+41 26 429 63 94
Bureau : HEG 421

Magali Dubosson est professeur ordinaire en marketing et co-responsable du centre de compétences Market and Observatory Lab à la Haute école de gestion Fribourg. Elle a été chargée de cours à l'EPFL et à HEC Lausanne, et professeure assistante à Thunderbird. Elle a travaillé comme Directrice de la Haute école de gestion de Genève. Son expérience professionnelle a été réalisée dans les domaines de la banque, l'assurance, la formation et le conseil en Suisse et à l'étranger. Elle a obtenu un executive Master in International Management et un doctorat en Sciences Economiques à l'Ecole des Haute Etudes Commerciales Lausanne (HEC) de l'Université de Lausanne. Elle a obtenu différents fonds de recherche, à titre d'exemple, l'utilisation d'internet pour le marketing du luxe, le développement de méthodes de pricing pour les services, le développement d'indicateurs de prévention du risque humain. A la Heg-FR, elle a lancé une formation continue courte en e-commerce.

Ses interêts actuels en recherche : la gestion des risques, les applications de la technologie pour le marketing, le e-commerce, les risques liés à la digitalisation, innovations en design de service.


Journal article

MEIER, E., DUBOSSON, M. (2023). New Challenges on Waiting Lines and Servicescapes During the Covid-19 Pandemic. American Journal of Management, 23 (1), 135-150.
DUBOSSON, M., FRAGNIÈRE, E., MEIER, S. (2022). Early detection of human-related risks in an increasingly digitized work environment. Digital Transformation and Society, 1 (1), pp. 48-65.
DUBOSSON, M., FRAGNIÈRE, E., ROCHAT, D., MARSHALL, S., BERDEAUX, E. (2020). Confusion between Artificial Intelligence and digitisation at work. Ignorance or blind trust? European Review of Service Economics and Management, 1 (9), 97-118.
DUBOSSON, M., FRAGNIÈRE, E., HÉRITIER, A.-S., MEIER, S., WAINWRIGHT, C. (2020). Fostering "co-socialization" between patient and nurse to mitigate the risks of digitalizing health care services. European Review of Service Economics and Management (10), 109-131.
DUBOSSON, M., FRAGNIÈRE, E., MEIER, E., ROCHAT, D. (2020). Facteurs endogènes et exogènes contribuant à un déni individuel des risques humains liés à la digitalisation du travail. Revue Psychanalyse & Management (1), pp. 65-79.
DUBOSSON, M., FRAGNIÈRE, E., ROCHAT, D. (2019). Perceived risks regarding the impact of digitalization on the future of work: Towards a gap between the concerns of academics and workers' attitudes? European Review of Service Economics and Management.
DUBOSSON, M., FRAGNIÈRE, E., JUNOD, N., MEIER, S., VARONE, S., FOURNIER, A. (2019). Integration of a Human Risk Module into a Risk Management Software. Informatica economica, 23 (3).
DUBOSSON, M., FRAGNIÈRE, E., PASQUIER, M., REYNARD, C. (2017). Exploring occupational stress in the Swiss wealth management sector, How could human risk lead to value destruction. European Review of Service Economics and Management, 1 (3), 17-45.
DUBOSSON, M., FRAGNIÈRE, E., JUNOD, N., WILLAERTS, B. (2017). Detecting Customer Queue “at-risk” Behaviors Based on Ethograms to Minimize Overall Service Dissatisfaction. Springer, pp. 18-29.
DUBOSSON, M., EMAD, S. (2015). The Forum Community, the Connectivist Element of an xMOOC. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 3 (10), 680-690. doi:10.13189/ujer.2015.031004.

Paper presented at a peer-reviewed conference

EMAD, S., KOSREMELLI ASMAR, M., DUBOSSON, M. (2024). Perception of inclusion of special needs children among pupils, parents, educators and staff in inclusive and non-inclusive private and public schools in Lebanon. 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Spain.
DUBOSSON, M., MEIER, S., EMAD, S. (2024). From Promise to Perception: A Scholarly Journey into the Essence of European Industrial Tourism. 53rd Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Romania.
DUBOSSON, M., FRAGNIÈRE, E., ROCHAT, D. (2024). Understanding the notion of polycrisis: Insights from the labour market of Western Switzerland. Finance, Marketing, and Operations for Sustainable Business 2024 Research Conference.
DUBOSSON, M., MEIER, S., EMAD, S. (2024). From Awareness to Action: Industrial Tours as Catalysts. Geneve/Fribourg Entrepreneurship Forum, Switzerland.
DUBOSSON, M., KERVIO, J. (2024). Tensions and Transitions: Implementing the Degrowth Paradigm in Traditional Business Models. 34th RESER International Conference, Finland.
FRAGNIÈRE, E., DUBOSSON, M., MEIER, S. (2024). Risk Denial in the Age of AI: A Counterfactual Approach. 34th RESER International Conference, Finland.
MEIER, E., DUBOSSON, M., FRAGNIÈRE, E. (2024). Personal Health vs. Collective Safety: How COVID-19 Reshaped Servicescape Behavior. 34th RESER International Conference, Finland.
DUBOSSON, M., MEIER, S., EMAD, S. (2023). Creating lasting impressions: A new framework for experiential company visits. 33rd RESER International Conference, Sierre, Switzerland.
DUBOSSON, M., ROCHAT, D., FRAGNIÈRE, E. (2023). Towards a sense of moral guilt-freeing in crisis situations: learnings from an exploratory survey POST COVID-19 PANDEMIC in French-speaking Switzerland. 33rd RESER International Conference, Sierre, Switzerland.
DUBOSSON, M., FRAGNIÈRE, E., ROCHAT, D. (2023). On the expected role of public authorities to support the achievement of sustainable development goals. 33rd RESER International Conference, Sierre, Switzerland.
DUBOSSON, M., MEIER, E. (2022). New challenges on waiting lines and servicescapes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Service 2022, Boston, United States of America.
MEIER, S., DUBOSSON, M., FRAGNIÈRE, E. (2022). Détection précoce des risques humains – Une étude de cas Suisse. 5ème Journée Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur les Décisions des Consommateurs (JIRDC), Paris, France.
FRAGNIÈRE, E., DUBOSSON, M., ROCHAT, D. (2021). The Reason why Public Services Lag Behind the Private Sector in Terms of Sustainable Development (SD): An Exploratory Research Conducted in the Swiss Service Economy. 30th RESER International Congress.
DUBOSSON, M., FRAGNIÈRE, E., FOURNIER, A., MEIER, S., VARONE, S. (2021). Measuring Real Time Occupational Stress in Organizations via a Digitalized Risk Management App. 20th International Conference on Informatics in Economy.
DUBOSSON, M., RAMSEIER, R., WIDMER, A., LARPIN, B., FRAGNIÈRE, E. (2021). The citizen journey map to promote the notion of universal design in the digitalisation of democratic processes. 19th International Conference e-Society.
MEIER, S., DUBOSSON, M., FRAGNIÈRE, E. (2021). Defusing Psychosocial Risks: Development of a Detection System. Reser Conference 2021, Heilbronn, Germany.
DUBOSSON, M., EMAD, S., MEIER, S., FRAGNIÈRE, E., MARGUERAT, D. (2021). Les acteurs locaux de la filière agro-alimentaire et les consommateurs n’ont pas vraiment tiré de leçons de la crise liée à la Covid-19. 4ème Journée Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur les Décisions des Consommateurs, Paris, France.
DUBOSSON, M., EMAD, S. (2020). Selfies as a means of controlling students as interviewers in a Market research course at a Swiss University. 44st Marketing Educators' Association Conference, Seattle, United States of America.
DUBOSSON, M., FRAGNIÈRE, E., JUNOD, N., MEIER, S., VARONE, S. (2019). Digitized governance to mitigate human-related risks. International Conference on Informatics in Economy 2019, Bucarest, Romania.
DUBOSSON, M., EMAD, S., PASQUIER, M. (2019). Live case study writing as a teaching method for experiential learning. 43rd Annual Marketing Educators' Association Conference, Phoenix, United States of America.
DUBOSSON, M., FRAGNIÈRE, E., HÉRITIER, A., MEIER, S., WAINWRIGHT, C. (2019). Fostering “co-socialization” to mitigate human related-risk and to counter growing dissatisfaction in an era of digitalization of health care services. XXIX International RESER Conference, Ceuta, Spain.
DUBOSSON, M., FRAGNIÈRE, E., ROCHAT, D., SITTEN, M., BERDEAUX, E. (2019). The emerging and uncontested digitalization of services could lead to cognitive dissonance due to a misunderstanding of the new role of artificial intelligence at work. XXIX International RESER Conference, Ceuta, Spain.
DUBOSSON, M., FRAGNIÈRE, E., MEIER, S., VARONE, S., BERDEAUX, E. (2019). Determining the main variables to measure human risk in organization: A quantitative survey conducted in Switzerland. 10th International Research Symposium in Service Management, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
DUBOSSON, M., FRAGNIÈRE, E., ROCHAT, D. (2018). Perceived risks regarding the future of work in the aftermath of service digitalization: An empirical study conducted in Switzerland. XXVII International Conference of RESER, Göteborg, Sweden.
PASQUIER, M., DUBOSSON, M., JAN DU CHÊNE, L. (2018). Specific needs based design of a housing and real estate observatory at the local level: A conceptual framework. XXVII International Conference of RESER, Göteborg, Sweden.
DUBOSSON, M., MEIER, S. (2018). Exploring human-related risks in the higher education sector: The case of marketing educators in Switzerland and France. 42nd Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, Santa Fe, United States of America.
DUBOSSON, M., FRAGNIÈRE, E., JUNOD, N., WILLAERTS, B. (2017). Detecting customer queue “at-risk” behaviors based on ethograms to minimize overall service dissatisfaction. ASOCA, Malaga, Spain.
DUBOSSON, M., FRAGNIÈRE, E., REYNARD, C., PALMA, D. (2017). Human risk and its relationship to value destruction through internal fraud: a survey conducted in the Geneva banking sector. ENROCA conference, Naples, Italy.
DUBOSSON, M., PASQUIER, M. (2017). A live case lite approach as formative assessment. 41th Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, San Diego, United States of America.
DUBOSSON, M., EMAD, S. (2017). Students’ perception of the flipped classroom: Teaching Consumer Behavior and Market Research classes in two Swiss Universities. 41th Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, San Diego, United States of America.
DUBOSSON, M., FRANGIÈRE, E., PASQUIER, M., REYNARD, C. (2016). Why could human risk prevent value creation in services? An exploratory study about occupational stress in the Swiss wealth management sector. XXVI International Conference of RESER, Naples, Italy.
DUBOSSON, M., EMAD, S. (2016). The Forum Community, the Connectivist Element of a Marketing xMOOC. 40th Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, Denver, United States of America.
EMAD, S., DUBOSSON, M. (2015). Can any marketing instructor turn case studies into a gamified experience for students? 39th Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, Las Vegas, United States of America.
DUBOSSON, M., EMAD, S. (2014). Video and course content discussion on Massive Open Online Courses: An exploratory research. 2014 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference (IPCC), Pittsburgh, United States of America.
DUBOSSON, M. (2014). Using client-sponsored projects for part-time undergraduate students in marketing research classes. 38th Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, San Jose, United States of America.


MATHE, H., DUBOSSON, M., ROUSSEAU, M. (1997). Le Service Global: Innovations et stratégies internationales de développement dans les services. Paris: Maxima-PUF.

Book chapter

DUBOSSON, M., PASQUIER, M., PROBST, G. (2017). Pourquoi et comment faire appel à une étude de cas «locale» pour évaluer la mise en pratique des connaissances théoriques par les étudiants? In V. Roulin, A.-C. Allin-Pfister and D. Berthiaume (Eds.), Regards d’enseignants sur l’évaluation des apprentissages dans l’enseignement supérieur professionnalisant. De Boeck.
DUBOSSON, M., FRAGNIÈRE, E. (2010). Perceived Risk Management: Applying the TEID Model to the Traveler Service Chain. In Zongwei Luo (Ed.), Service science and logistics informatics: innovative perspectives (pp. 299-314). Information Science Reference.
DUBOSSON, M., FRAGNIÈRE, E. (2009). Identifying and Mitigating Perceived Risks in the Bank Service Chain: A New Formalization Effort to Address the Intangible and Heterogeneous Natures of Knowledge-Based Services. In Greg Gregoriou (Ed.), Operational Risk Toward Basel III: Best Practices and Issues, in Modeling, Management and Regulation (pp. 97-114). John Wiley & Sons.

Faculty research seminar

DUBOSSON, M., FRAGNIÈRE, E., ROCHAT, D., MARSHALL, S., BERDEAUX, E. (2019). Vers une dissonance cognitive due à une mauvaise compréhension du potentiel de l'IA: Etude des perceptions des employés en Suisse Romande. Journée de recherche & débats Excelia Group.

Published case

DUBOSSON, M., CASAGRANDE, L. (2023). De l’initiative solidaire et éphémère Kariyon à une nouvelle façon de consommer.


DUBOSSON, M. (2016). Unlocking the Swiss e-commerce potential. Salon e-commerce. Genève, Switzerland.
DUBOSSON, M. (2014). Enhancing SME Competitiveness: The Role of the Universities in Innovation Systems. Symorg conference. Belgrade, Serbia.