Dr. Patrick Schueffel ist Adjunct Professor an der Hochschule für Wirtschaft (HEG) in Fribourg in der Schweiz. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen in den Bereichen Banken, Finanzen und Entrepreneurship. Daneben ist er als Senior Manager in der Finanzdienstleistungsbranche tätig. Unter anderem war er Chief Operating Officer der Sora Bank in Liechtenstein und davor Chief Operating Officer der Saxo Bank (Schweiz). Vor einem dreijährigen Aufenthalt in Singapur, wo er die HEG Fribourg vertrat, war Dr. Schüffel Mitglied des Senior Management am Hauptsitz der Credit Suisse in Zürich/Schweiz, wo er ein globales Innovationsteam leitete. Er hat Artikel in renommierten internationalen wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften sowie in angesehenen Fachzeitschriften für Praktiker veröffentlicht. Dr. Schüffel promovierte an der University of Reading/Großbritannien und erwarb Postgraduiertenabschlüsse an der Henley Business School/Großbritannien, der Norwegischen Handelshochschule in Bergen/Norwegen und der Universität Mannheim/Deutschland.
SCHUEFFEL, P. (2021). DeFi - Decentralized Finance erklärt. MoreThanDigital. |
SCHUEFFEL, P., HAMMER, M. (2021). Regulierungen Und Verbote - Was Krypto, Bitcoin & Co. Droht. MoreThanDigital. |
SCHUEFFEL, P., LIEBAU, D. (2020). Crypto-Currencies and ICOs: Are They Scams?. An Empirical Study. The Journal of the British Blockchain Association, 2. |
SCHUEFFEL, P. (2016). Taming the Beast: A Scientific Definition of Fintech. Journal of Innovation Management, 4, pp. 32-54. |
SCHÜFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R. (2015). Performance-Messgrössen von internationalisierenden KMU - eine explorative Studie. Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, 67 (2), 198-215. |
SCHUEFFEL, P. (2015). Open Innovation in the Financial Services Sector -A global literature review. Journal of Innovation Management, 3, pp. 25-48. |
SCHUEFFEL, P. (2015). Ethische Gewinnerstrategien: Stärkung der nachhaltigen Urteilskraft. Bank Praktiker, 9, pp. 32-39. Heidelberg. |
SCHUEFFEL, P., ISTRIA, C. (2015). Democratizing corporate culture: Aligning corporate and individual values. Talent Management Excellence, 3 (2), pp. 26-28. |
SCHÜFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R. (2014). Behavioral patterns in born-again global firms towards a conceptual framework of the internationalization activities of mature SMEs. The Multinational Business Review, 22 (4), 418-441. |
SCHUEFFEL, P., HERRMANN, L. (2013). Die Offensive der Non-Banks. Die Bank, 7, pp. 44-48. |
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2011). Messung der Performance von internationalen KMU - Eine Scoping-Studie. Zeitschrift für KMU & Entrepreneurship, 59 (2), 103-124. |
SCHUEFFEL, P. (2011). Internationalization of new ventures: tests of growth and survival. Multinational Business Review, 19, 376-403. |
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2009). Le comportement d'internationalisation des PME suisses: Born global et internationalisation progressive. Revue Internationale PME, 22 (1), 09-45. |
SCHUEFFEL, P., ISTRIA, C. (2005). Winning through diversity. European Business Forum, 23, pp. 41-44. |
SCHUEFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R., WILD, P. (2020). The effects of entrepreneurial orientation in a digital and international setting. Entrepreneurial Orientation Research Conference, Laramie, United States of America. |
SCHUEFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R., CAON, M., BUENZLI, D. (2019). The antecedents and outcomes of AI adoption in SMEs. ICSB 2019 World Congress, Le Caire, Egypt. |
BALDEGGER, R., SCHUEFFEL, P., TUCHSCHMID, N., KAISER, A. (2018). The Impact of Banks on the Internationalization Efforts of SMEs: Help or Hindrance? ACERE Conference 2018, Brisbane, Australia. |
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P., TUCHSCHMID, N. (2017). Banks and Internationalizing SMEs: Friends or Foes? EIBA Conference 2017, Milan, Italy. |
SCHÜFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R., TUCHSCHMID, N., KAISER, A. (2017). The Role of Banks in the Internationalization Process of SMEs: Blessing or Curse? Academy of International Business Annual Meeting 2017, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. |
BUBENZER, P., SCHUEFFEL, P. (2017). The stages theory is dead, long live the stages theory! : reviewing the state of the art in organizational lifecycle research. XXVIII ISPIM Innovation Conference, Vienna, Austria. |
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P., HAMMER, M. (2016). Hub Internationalization - How Born Globals Conquer Southeast Asia by Building Local Bridgeheads. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting 2016, New Orleans, United States of America. |
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2016). Linking internationalization age and speed in Swiss SMEs. ACERE Conference 2016, Queensland, Australia. |
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2015). Entrepreneurial Behavior and SME Internationalization: Conceptualizing the Dynamics of International Entrepreneurial. EIBA Conference 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. |
SCHUEFFEL, P. (2015). Microfoundations of Open Innovation: The Antecedants of Openness and Innovation Performance. 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada. |
WILD, P., SCHÜFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R., RÉGNIER, P. (2014). Similar but disparate: The Early Internationalization Phase of Family vs. Non-Family Firms. Academy of International Business 2014, Vancouver, Canada. |
AMANN, W., SCHÜFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R. (2014). The Linkages between Internationalization Age and Internationalization Speed. SMS Annual Conference 2014, Madrid, Spain. |
SCHÜFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R. (2014). Conceptualizing the dynamics of international entrepreneurship. European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management Conference 2014, Rome, Italy. |
AMANN, W., SCHÜFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R. (2014). Early Internationalization of family vs. non-family firms. EURAM Conference 2014, Valencia, Spain. |
SCHÜFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R. (2014). Tracing Behavioral Patterns in Born-again Global Firms. ACERE Conference 2014, Sydney, Australia. |
SCHUEFFEL, P. (2014). The Effects of EO on Innovation Performance, Open Innovation Proclivity, and Openness. Academy of Management 2014, Philadelphia, United States of America. |
AMANN, W., SCHÜFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R. (2013). The Time Perspective in International Entrepreneurship. Academy of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Annual Conference, Fribourg, Switzerland. |
HERMANN, L., SCHÜFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R. (2012). Open Innovation in Financial services Industry - Implications for Managers and Entrepreneurs. 16th Annual Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Conference, Potsdam, Germany. |
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P., PASQUIER, M. (2012). Dynamique de l'entrepreneuriat international: cadre conceptuel et enjeux. 11ème Congrès international francophone en entrepreneuriat et PME, Brest, France. |
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2012). Empirically Testing the Entrepreneurial Internationalization Behavior of Top Management Teams in SMEs. Rencontres de St-Gall 2012, St. Gallen, Switzerland. |
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2011). Entrepreneurial risk recognition in Born Globals. 15th Annual Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Conference, St. Gallen, Switzerland. |
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2011). Entrepreneurial risk recognition: New Findings on the Neglected Child of the Entrepreneurship Family. The International Council for Small Business 2011, Stockholm, Sweden. |
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2010). Emergence d'un nouveau profil d'entreprise international. 10ème Congrès international francophone en entrepreneuriat et PME, Bordeaux, France. |
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2010). Internationalization, entrepreneurial concept and performance. 14th Annual Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Conference, Cologne, Germany. |
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2010). Entrepreneurial Risk Recognition. SMS Annual Conference 2010, Rome, Italy. |
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P., STRAUB, T. (2010). Instant Internationalization of Mature SMEs: Critical Incidents leading to Rapid Internationalization. SME & Entrepreneurship Conference 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. |
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2010). Born-again Global Firms: The Catalytic Effects of Critical Incidents - A Case Study on the Internationalization Behavior of Mature SMEs. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting 2010, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. |
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2010). An Entrepreneurial Perspective on SME Internationalization. USASBE Conference 2010, Nashville, United States of America. |
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2009). The Entrepreneurial Internationalization Behavior Model: An Empirical Test. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, San Diego, United States of America. |
BALDEGGER, R., ROSSI, M., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2008). Internationalisation rapide versus progressive: une perspective entrepreneuriale. 9ème Congrès international francophone en entrepreneuriat et PME, Louvain La Neuve, Belgium. |
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2007). Profiling the Hybrid: Born-again Global Firms. A Case Study on the Internationalization Behavior of Mature Firms in Switzerland. SMS Special Conference 2007, Catania, Italy. |
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P., ROSSI, M. (2006). Le comportement d'internationalisation des PME suisses: Born global et internationalisation progressive. 8ème Congrès international francophone en entrepreneuriat et PME, Fribourg, Switzerland. |
SCHUEFFEL, P., GROENEWEG, N., BALDEGGER, R. (2019). The Crypto Encyclopedia. Coins, tokens and digital assets from A to Z. Fribourg/Bern/New York: Firm Growth and Innovation. |
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2008). Process Model of Internationalization and International New Venture Framework. A representative study among Swiss SMEs. Fribourg/Bern/New York: Process Model of Internationalization and International New Venture Framework. A representative study among Swiss SMEs. |
SCHUEFFEL, P. (2008). Formative Factors in New Venture Internationalization. An extension to theoretical findings and an empirical test. Henley on Thames: University of Reading. |
SALAMPASIS, D., SCHUEFFEL, P., DOMINIC, R., CAMERON, D. (2023). Central Bank Digital Currencies: Opening Pandora’s Box or Paving the Future of Money? The Emerald Handbook on Cryptoassets: Investment Opportunities and Challenges (pp. 283-306). Emerald Publishing Limited. |
BALDEGGER, R., WILD, P., SCHUEFFEL, P. (2021). The effects of entrepreneurial orientation in a digital and international setting. Entrepreneurial Orientation: Epistemological, Theoretical, and Empirical Perspectives (pp. 145-174). Emerald Publishing Limited. |
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2010). Eine unternehmerische Betrachtungsweise der Internationalisierung von KMU. In C. Marxt, S. Kraus, D. Müller (Eds.), Entrepreneurial Management: Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Urs Baldegger (pp. 243-268). Eine unternehmerische Betrachtungsweise der Internationalisierung von KMU. |
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2010). Measuring the Performance of International SMEs - A Scoping Study. In U. Fueglistaller, Th. Volery, W. Walter (Eds.), The Promise for Future Entrepreneurship, Family Business and SME Research? (pp. Rico). Measuring the Performance of International SMEs - A Scoping Study. |
SCHUEFFEL, P. (2019). WealthTech: Wealth and Asset Management in the FinTech Age. Information Age Publishing. |
SCHÜFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R. (2013). A Fact Finding Report on the Globalization of Swiss SMEs - The Swiss Hippo Becoming Native to Asia's SME Habitat. A Fact Finding Report on the Globalization of Swiss SMEs - The Swiss Hippo Becoming Native to Asia's SME Habitat. |
BALDEGGER, R., BRÜLHART, A., SCHÜFFEL, P., STRAUB, T. (2011). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - Unternehmertum im weltweiten Vergleich: Länderbericht Schweiz 2010. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - Unternehmertum im weltweiten Vergleich: Länderbericht Schweiz 2010. |
BALDEGGER, R., BRÜLHART, A., SCHÜFFEL, P., STRAUB, T. (2011). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - L'entrepreneuriat en comparaison internationale: Rapport nationale Suisse 2010. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - L'entrepreneuriat en comparaison internationale: Rapport nationale Suisse 2010. |
BALDEGGER, R., BRÜLHART, A., ROSSI, M., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2010). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - Unternehmertum im weltweiten Vergleich: Länderbericht Schweiz 2009. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - Unternehmertum im weltweiten Vergleich: Länderbericht Schweiz 2009. |
BALDEGGER, R., BRÜLHART, A., ROSSI, M., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2010). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - L'entrepreneuriat en comparaison internationale: Rapport nationale Suisse 2009. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - L'entrepreneuriat en comparaison internationale: Rapport nationale Suisse 2009. |
Thesis jury member | Trust-Embedded Open Innovation: Towards a Human-Centric Approach in the Financial Industry“ | 2015 |