Annual Report 2022
Intensive exchanges with our external stakeholders was a key objective, and the events on digitalization in September or on sustainability in November are just examples. A certain standardization could also be observed in international exchanges, whether through the creation of the International Summer School, the study trips of EMBA and Master students to Boston, MA, or the intensification of international research activities.
On Saturday, May 21st, the School of Management Fribourg received the prestigious ICSB Global Award for Excellence. The globe was awarded to Rico Baldegger by Dr. Ayman El Tarabishy, President & CEO, International Council for Small Business.
Rico Baldegger et Éric Décosterd ont clôturé hier le dernier jour de formation avec une délégation de doyens et recteurs de la République Démocratique du Congo. Au total, ce ne sont pas moins de 22 personnes qui ont ainsi visité la HEG-FR en juillet 2022.
Dr. Rico Baldegger, Director of the School of Management Fribourg (HEG-FR), has been invited to deliver the keynote speech on sustainability and entrepeneurship at the 2022 ICSB and UN Forum for Entrepreneurs and Micro-, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.
Eric McLaren, PhD student, and Rico Baldegger, dean of the HEG-FR, authors of a paper on the motivations of crowdfunders to support impact-oriented projects, receive the JICSB Best Paper award at the World Congress held in Washington D.C (USA).
Dr. Rico Baldegger, Director of the School of Management Fribourg has been invited to speak at the 5th ICSB world Congress. A way and entrepreneurial revolution to achieve and implement a positive social and environmental impact through SMEs!
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor announced today that GEM Switzerland will host the 2022/23 GEM Global Report Launch and Annual Meeting. These events will take place on 16th and 17th February 2023 at the School of Management Fribourg (HEG-FR).