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Annual report

Annual Report 2021

Create (y)our Future

Sustainable development, corporate social responsibility, and social entrepreneurship are areas that have been fascinating the HEG-FR for a number of years. The school has integrated these values in its teaching, research, and consulting. In order to give more weight to this strategic orientation, in 2021, the HEG-FR took over, as part of its thirtieth anniversary, the Center for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (CCRS) as a partner institute.

The takeover of the CCRS considerably reinforced the skills in sustainable development and social entrepreneurship of the HEG-FR, which undoubtedly increases its influence at the national and international level. Our school aims to become an important player in the crucial area of sustainable development.

In more than one way, the CCRS fits remarkably well into the long-term strategy of the HEG-FR, which is committed to becoming a leading management school:

  • Nationally recognized as an interdisciplinary and practice-oriented research institute, CCRS has an excellent network in economics, scientific fields, and society.
  • The CCRS has grown in stature in recent years through numerous publications and conferences on the effective implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
  • The CCRS is successfully putting research into practice. The Institute has notably developed an innovative assessment and monitoring tool for SMEs with private sector partners, as well as a real estate sustainability assessment system.

The HEG-FR is convinced that a comprehensive understanding of the role of the economy in society must form the basis of a business strategy. Our school wishes to contribute – with its Bachelor, Master and continuing education courses – to sustainable entrepreneurship and therefore evolve from a traditional “Business school” into a “School for Business and Society”.

Digitization activities at the research level, the overwhelming success of the “Digital Business” orientation in Bachelor's studies, or the successful development of the Fribourg Housing and Real Estate Observatory complete the forward-looking projects in 2021.

A school for society

Events 2021

  • 18.02.2021   -   Alumni HEG/HSW - Assemblée générale 2021, Casino Barrière, Fribourg
  • 09.06.2021   -  Webinaire: Les monnaies locales et l’initiative Kariyon : pour une économie circulaire !
  • 24.06.2021   -   Musik-Event "What would Gustav do?", Bern
  • 29.06.2021   -   Gender & Diversity in Robotics - FHNW Olten, online
  • 15.07.2021   -   Alumni - Apéritif des nouveaux diplômés, Buvette du Petit Train, Fribourg
  • 07.09.2021   -   Fête des diplômées 2020 du Bachelor et du Master, Jardin botanique, Fribourg
  • 07.09.2021   -   Journée de la recherche du domaine Economie et Services HES-SO, HEG-FR, Fribourg
  • 14.09.2021   -   Garden Party du personnel HEG-FR, Fribourg
  • 20.09.2021   -   3rd Swiss Forum for University and Student Innovation, online
  • 22.09.2021   -   Journées de la technique 2021, Alumni HEG-HSW - « FoodTech » L’alimentation devient intelligente grâce à la technologie, Lausanne
  • 01.10.2021   -   Alumni - Visite FRAMO SA, Romont
  • 12.10.2021   -   Kick-off Semaine de la Durabilité Fribourg 2022, blueFACTORY, Fribourg
  • 05.11.2021   -   Remise du Master of Science HES-SO en Business Administration (MSc BA), Lausanne
  • 12.11.2021   -   Remise du Bachelor of Science HES-SO en Economie d'entreprise, Fribourg
  • 25.11.2021   -  Plateforme STI Fribourg et HEG-FR durabilité, Innovation Lab HEG-FR, Fribourg


New registrations at the HEG-FR remain stable at the level of Bachelor training (144 students) and first year Master in Business Administration, Entrepreneurship (25 new registrations). The 2021-2022 academic year is marked by the celebrations of the 30th anniversary of the School of Management Fribourg. The first class, part-time, began in September 1991 with 19 students, under the name of École supérieure de cadres pour l’économie et l’administration (ESCEA) Fribourg.

Bachelor and Master courses

Continuing education

All continuing education courses have started well and are very successful. Every year, we can offer new courses in collaboration with partners from the professional world. The EMBA program has been reoriented to better prepare professionals with leadership potential who wish to enhance their knowledge and career.

Continuing education in 2021
Student in class

Research and service

Several Applied R&D projects and services were able to convince stakeholders of the skills of the HEG-FR, highlighted in particular with the realization of its Innosuisse projects. Digitization activities at the research level or the successful development of the Fribourg Housing and Real Estate Observatory complete the forward-looking projects in 2021. The takeover of the CCRS considerably reinforced the skills in sustainable development and social entrepreneurship of the HEG-FR, which undoubtedly increases its influence at the national and international level.

Research and service in 2021

A look back at the Applied R&D HES-SO Economy and Service Day


Annual report 2021