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Alessandro Silacci

Academic Associate UAS - Doctoral student
Office: 416

Alessandro Silacci is a PhD student at the University of Lausanne and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland (HES-SO). Possessing a background in software engineering with a specialization in complex information systems, he integrates psychological theories, Human-Computer Interaction, and Artificial Intelligence in his research. His current focus lies in the application of technology to augment physical activity motivation. Committed to advancing knowledge at the intersection of science and technology, Alessandro seeks to make substantive contributions to the fields of Human-Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence, and health promotion, exemplifying a steadfast dedication to research and innovation.


Journal article

BOLDI, A., SILACCI, A., BOLDI, M.-O., CHERUBINI, M., ZUFFEREY, N., HUGUENIN, K., RAPP, A. (2024). Exploring the impact of commercial wearable activity trackers on body awareness and body representations: A mixed-methods study on self-tracking. Computers in Human Behavior, 151.
SILACCI, A., CAON, M., TAIAR, R. (2021). Towards an AI-Based Tailored Training Planning for Road Cyclists: A Case Study. Applied Sciences, 11 (1).
PASQUIER, B., SILACCI, A., CAON, M. (2021). Protection des données: consentement, devoir d'informer et utilisation de pictogrammes. Pratique juridique actuelle, 7, pp. 889-904.

Paper presented at a peer-reviewed conference

SALEHZADEH NISKIRAT, K., SILACCI, A., GOSWAMI, L., RAO, P., TYLER, J., ALIYU, S., ... CHERUBINI, M. (2023). Changes in Research Ethics, Openness, and Transparency in Empirical Studies between CHI 2017 and CHI 2022. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Hambourg, Germany.
VALLAT, M., CAON, M., SILACCI, A., ABOU KHALED, O., MUGELLINI, E., FEDELE, G. (2020). Comparing the Ergonomics of Gestural Interfaces While Running on a Treadmill. 11th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics.
SILACCI, A., TSCHERRIG, J., MUGELLINI, E., ABOU KHALED, O. (2019). Classifying Vehicles’ Behaviors using Global Positioning Systems Information. 13th International Conference on Digital Society and eGovernments, Athènes, Greece.
SILACCI, A., CAON, M., ABOU KHALED, O., MUGELLINI, E. (2019). Designing an e-Coach to Tailor Training Plans for Road Cyclists. 2nd International Conference on Human Systems Engineering and Design, Munich, Germany.


Award/Honors 2023 ACM SIGCHI Best Paper Award 2023
Award/Honors AHFE 2020 Best Paper Award 2020
Award/Honors Best Paper Award of the 13th International Conference on Digital Society and eGovernments 2019