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Philippe Regnier

Full Professor UAS
+41 26 429 63 97
Office: HEG 425

Philippe Régnier is a full professor at the School of Management Fribourg. He holds a PhD in International Development Economics from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva (Switzerland), a postgraduate certificate in European Studies from the College of Europe, Bruge (Belgium), and a diploma in international economic relations, Institute of Political Science, Strasbourg, France. With over 30 years of experience as a senior analyst, consultant, professor, and trainer, he specializes in the role of the private sector in developing and emerging economies. His core competencies include entrepreneurship and small business promotion, entrepreneurship and appropriate technologies, international trade and development finance, and public-private partnerships. He has conducted extensive field work in collaboration with bilateral and multilateral development and economic promotion agencies in East and South Asia, and occasionally in Africa. He is scientific director of a Swiss Federal Applied Research Program (2017-24)  in Appropriate Technologies and Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development in Africa and Near East, and co-director of an Entrepreneurship Skills Development Program (2021-25) for Young Academics and Professionals engaged in engineering and/or management Switzerland. He is a member of the US-based Academy of International Management (AIB) and of the Europe-Asia Management Studies Association (EAMSA). His various books and articles deal mainly with SME Internationalization, Business hub functions of global cities,  Emerging economies and markets, Entrepreneurship and Appropriate Technologies for Global Sustainable Development.


Journal article

RÉGNIER, P. (2023). Innovation, Appropriate Technologies and Entrepreneurship for Global Sustainability Development: A Review Until the Early Twenty-first Century. The Journal of Entrepreneurship, 32 (2S), 12-26.
RÉGNIER, P. (2023). Small business internationalisation to emerging markets: export training innovation for Swiss SMEs. International Journal of Export Marketing, 6 (1), 4-16.
SONG-NABA, F., RÉGNIER, P. (2021). PME agro-alimentaires et entrepreneuriat inclusif au Burkina Faso: Entre opportunisme, recherche du profit et lutte contre la pauvreté. Revue internationale des études du développement (245), pp. 171-197.
RÉGNIER, P., WILD, P. (2018). SME internationalization and the role of global cities: a tentative conceptualization. International Journal of Export Marketing, 2 (3), 158-179.
RÉGNIER, P. (2015). The Rise of Indian Investment in Africa's Development. The Case of the Agro-Food Sector. Journal of Asian and African Studies , 1-15.

Paper presented at a peer-reviewed conference

RÉGNIER, P. (2024). Sustainable Finance for SMEs in Developing Economies: What Kind of International Capital Risk Mobilization? 2nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Advancement of Financial Economics, Thailand.
RÉGNIER, P., BASCHUNG, L. (2024). Swiss SME and Start-up Sustainable Internationalization to Asian Emerging Markets: Recent Trends and Promotion Initiatives. 40th EAMSA Annual Conference, India.
ZOHRA, M. O., RÉGNIER, P. (2024). 21st Century Revisited Functions of City-States in the MENA region and Beyond: To Global Business & Sustainability: Contributions of Djibouti and Singapore to Global Business Sustainability. 2024 Academy of International Business Middle East North Africa (AIB MENA) Annual Conference, United Arab Emirates.
RÉGNIER, P. (2023). Innovation and appropriate technology for global sustainability development: What contributions from Asian emerging economies? 39th Euro-Asia Management Studies Association (EAMSA) Annual Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.
RÉGNIER, P. (2023). Financial Innovation for Sustainable Development: Towards a Swiss-African Green Equity Fund for SMEs? Academy of International Business-MENA, Rabat, Morocco.
RÉGNIER, P. (2022). Small Business Sustainable Internationalization to Asian Emerging Markets: IBM Training Innovation in Export Development for Swiss SMEs. 38th Euro-Asia Management Studies Association (EAMSA) Annual Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
RÉGNIER, P., WILD, P. (2022). Emerging Markets and Small Business Internationalization: Export Development Training Initiatives for SMEs in Western Switzerland. 5th Research Workshop on Export Management, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
RÉGNIER, P., COLLIÈRE, M.-C. (2021). Internationalization of French and Swiss SMEs to Asian Emerging Markets: What Kind of Language and Intercultural Management Supportive Services Needed? 14th GEM&L Conference.
BENHMADE, A., RÉGNIER, P. (2020). Villes globales et internationalisation des entreprises - Proposition d'un cadre conceptuel: Cas de Casablanca. 2è Conférence Internationale sur la Francophonie Economique, Rabat, Morocco.
BENHMADE, A., RÉGNIER, P. (2020). Villes globales et internationalisation des entreprises: Le rôle de Casablanca dans l'internationalisation des entreprises canadiennes vers l'Afrique. Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship.
RÉGNIER, P., BENHMADE, A. (2020). Villes globales et internationalisation des entreprises: Rôle de Casablanca dans l'internationalisation des entreprises québécoises vers l'Afrique. Colloque international STD-RRI-Maghreb.
RÉGNIER, P. (2019). Connecting Hinter-World and Hinterlands: Exploring Regional and World Economic Functions of Global Cities in Southeast Asia. 4th Conference of the Italian Association of Southeast Asian Studies (ItaSEAS), Naples, Italy.
RÉGNIER, P. (2019). Compartive Internationalization of French and Swiss SMEs to Asian Emerging Markets. What Role for Business Development Services? 36th EAMSA Annual Conference, Dornbirn, Austria.
RÉGNIER, P., WILD, P. (2018). SME Internationalization and the Role of Global Cities: A Tentative Conceptualization. Academy of International Business 2018, Birmingham, Great Britain.
RÉGNIER, P. (2018). Internationalisation des PME et Rôle des Villes Globales. CIFEPME, Toulouse, France.
RÉGNIER, P., WILD, P. (2017). Exploring the Small Business Internationalization Role of Global Cities: The Case of Swiss SMEs. EAMSA Conference 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark.
RÉGNIER, P., WILD, P. (2016). SME Internationalization and Distant Emerging Economies: Exploring the Market Entry Role of Asian Global Cities. EAMSA Conference 2016, Suzhou, China (PRC).
RÉGNIER, P., WILD, P. (2014). Internationalization of SMEs to Asian Emerging Markets: Swiss SMEs and the Attraction of China's Rapid Growth. SSEM Euro-Conference, Budapest, Hungary.
WILD, P., SCHÜFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R., RÉGNIER, P. (2014). Similar but disparate: The Early Internationalization Phase of Family vs. Non-Family Firms. Academy of International Business 2014, Vancouver, Canada.

Book chapter

ABDELHAMID, B., RÉGNIER, P., SPENCE, M. (2023). Global Cities and Business Internationalization: Towards a New Interdisciplinary Research Agenda. The City in an Era of Cascading Risks (pp. 259-278). Springer.
RÉGNIER, P., WILD, P. (2022). Revisiting the concept of "technology for the people": from Gandhi and Schumacher to 21st century new developments. Handbook of Innovation & Appropriate Technologies for International Development (pp. 2-6). Edward Elgar Publishing.
RÉGNIER, P., WILD, P. (2022). The rise of emerging economies: implications on appropriate technology development in theory and practice. Handbook of Innovation & Appropriate Technologies for International Development (pp. 47-53). Edward Elgar Publishing.
RÉGNIER, P., WILD, P. (2021). Internationalisation of SMEs and Distant Markets: The Networking and Service Functions of Global Cities. Empirical International Entrepreneurship: A Handbook of Methods, Approaches, and Applications (pp. 27-42). Springer.
BENHMADE, A., RÉGNIER, P., SONG-NABA, F. (2019). Le secteur privé. Enjeux et défis du développement international: Acteurs et champs d'action (pp. 257-267). Presses de l'université d'Ottawa.
RÉGNIER, P., WILD, P. (2017). The Geo-economics of Global Cities: Exploring New Avenues for Expanding Business Internationalization. In Mark Munoz (Ed.), Advances in Geoeconomics (pp. 29-45). The Geo-economics of Global Cities: Exploring New Avenues for Expanding Business Internationalization.
RÉGNIER, P., WILD, P. (2016). Recent Trends in First-Class World Competitiveness: Singapore and Switzerland in Global Entrepreneurship Rankings? In Yvonne Guo, J. J. Woo (Eds.), Singapore and Switzerland: Secrets to Small State Success (pp. 121-148). Recent Trends in First-Class World Competitiveness: Singapore and Switzerland in Global Entrepreneurship Rankings?

Book editor

RÉGNIER, P., FREY, D., PIERRE, S., VARGHESE, K., WILD, P. (2022). Handbook of Innovation & Appropriate Technologies for International Development. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Journal editor

RÉGNIER, P. (2023). Journal of Entrepreneurship (Special Issue). Appropriate technologies and entrepreneurship for sustainable development. The Journal of Entrepreneurship, India.
RÉGNIER, P. (2018). European Journal of East Asian Studies. EJEAS, Boston/Leiden/Singapore, Netherlands (The).

Technical report related to funded research project

RÉGNIER, P. (2018). Rapport " Entrepreneuriat et Inclusion de la Jeunesse en Haiti ".
RÉGNIER, P. (2016). Rapport sur l'introduction de la méthodologie de recherche en entrepreneuriat du Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Introduction du GEM au Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Sénégal, et Maroc.
RÉGNIER, P. (2014). The European Union - India Scientific Cooperation Program 2009-12. An Evaluation Review.

Invited speaker

RÉGNIER, P., WILD, P. (2017). Internationalization Of SMEs And The Entrepreneurship Hub Role Of Global Cities In Asia & Europe. EAMSA Conference 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark.
RÉGNIER, P. (2017). Exploring the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Lessons from the Moroccan and Swiss Experiences. Casablanca, Morocco.
RÉGNIER, P. (2016). Internationalization of Swiss SMEs to East Asia and China. Shanghai, China (PRC).
RÉGNIER, P. (2015). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Rapport National Suisse. Nantes, France.

Short paper

RÉGNIER, P., WILD, P. (2017). Internationalisation des PME et villes globales: quel rôle pour Casablanca. Conference GEM, Casablanca, Morocco.
RÉGNIER, P., WILD, P. (2017). GEM-Maroc / GEM-Suisse: Quelles collaborations dans le futur proche? Conference GEM, Casablanca, Morocco.

Thesis supervision (Bachelor/Master/PhD)

Thesis jury member The rise of Indonesia as a soft power 2019
Thesis co-director Internationalization of Swiss SMEs and the Role of Singapore in Southeast Asia 2019
Thesis director Internationalization of air industry SMEs from Canada to Morroco 2019
Thesis jury member Internationalization of Eastern European Universities : Three Case Studies of Universities in Ukraine 2018
Thesis jury member Etude du microentrepreneuriat dans le secteur informel au Burkina Faso 2018
Thesis jury member Entrepreneurship in Moroccan university education 2017