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Latest news of the HEG-FR

2018-2019 academic year at HEG-FR

21 Sept 2018

At the beginning of the 2018 autumn term, nearly 1200 new students joined the four schools which make up HES-SO Fribourg. With the opening of the new Mozaik building on the Arsenaux site, around 3000 HES students now attend the Pérolle campus. All the schools forming part of HES-SO Fribourg are now united on the Plateau de Pérolle, which will promote synergies and improve exchange.

The total number of students enrolled at the School of Management Fribourg (HEG-FR) will exceed 700, which is an increase of around a third over a five-year period. There was a record number of 207 students on the Bachelor in Business Economics course for 2018. 42 % opted to complete the course on a full-time basis over three years, while 58 % will be part time over four years.
With the new Digital Business option which is open to final-year bachelors’ students, HEG-FR is responding to the challenges of running a company in an increasingly digitalised business environment.


The following subjects are covered in depth:

  • The 4th Industrial Revolution,
  • Emerging & Disruptive Technologies,
  • Business Intelligence,
  • Digital Marketing.

The HES-SO Master of Science in Business Administration (MSC BA), focussing on entrepreneurship at HEG-FR, will celebrate its tenth anniversary this year and continues to attract strong demand. This anniversary will be celebrated on 18 January 2019 in Fribourg.


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