22 Sept 2022
The case study dedicated to the company On Running, creator of the eponymous sports shoes and written by Rico Baldegger and Marco Biscaro from the HEG-FR, is now available in international case studies catalogs.
Look at the shoes people around you are wearing. Chances are there is at least one pair stamped with the On logo, a brand famous from Australia to the United States to Switzerland, where they were created. Both Marco Biscaro, Ph.D. candidate and scientific collaborator and Rico Baldegger, dean and professor at the School of Management Fribourg (HEG-FR) were fascinated by this entrepreneurial success. That is why they developed a pedagogical case study recently published in the International Journal of Case Studies in Management and Harvard Business Publishing catalogs.
This case study tells the success story of On by following the steps of David Allemann, one of the three co-founders of the Swiss SME. This case aims to help business school students put themselves in the shoes of the company's managers. What decisions would they have made in their place? Would they have contacted Roger Federer as an investor, designer, and advisor? Was On's IPO a good idea made at the right time?
Learning from Swiss companies
Professors at the HEG-FR have always used case studies in their courses which include real-life situations. The case On, about a very successful Swiss SME, was subjected to a blind peer review, the results of which were positive. This ensured high quality.
Thanks to the publication of this case in renowned educational case catalogs, students from the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland, and all over the world will be able to test and consolidate their knowledge in management.
The educational case entitled "How a startup is putting the running shoe industry back on track" can be ordered at :
The International Journal of Case Studies catalog: https://education.hec.ca/centredecas/app/en/cases
The Harvard Business Publishing catalog: