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Master of Science HES-SO

Business Administration, major Entrepreneurship

A women listening during a presentation

Promoting your entrepreneurial mindset

Whether in small companies, large international firms or public organizations – success is firmly grounded in the ability to understand the changes in the world of business. The relentless pursuit of innovative new ideas and products is at the core of the entrepreneurial mindset and our program. Developing new ideas alone will not lead to success; these ideas and concepts must also be commercialized and brought to market.

Our professors don’t just talk business, they do business. The Master program will give you the chance to learn from seasoned entrepreneurs and managers from Switzerland and abroad. Join the Major in Entrepreneurship (Innovation & Growth) program in Fribourg and meet students and staff from all around the world. The course also includes a one- to two-week study placement overseas. This attractive programme is rounded off by the team of teachers of international prestige.

The creation of "Blendy" allowed me to put my entrepreneurial knowledge into practice

Morgane Mundwiller, Alumni MSc BA in Entrepreneurship

Highlights of the program

The HES⁠-⁠SO Master of Science in Business Administration (MSc BA) meets the market's current needs by training students in fast-growing professional fields and areas of skill. The MSc BA looks at the management knowledge acquired during the Bachelor's degree in more detail. It equips students with the analytical and decision-making skills they need to transform challenges into opportunities.

The success of entrepreneurship, whether it applies to small or medium-sized businesses, major international corporations or public bodies, is closely linked to a company's ability to meet environmental challenges with an innovative and flexible attitude. These skills are acquired during the Entrepreneurship major. Students will develop analytical and creative skills and will learn how to take the risks that are required to become an entrepreneur.

This major in Entrepreneurship is strongly focused on its international element. In today's global world, young graduates can benefit from an international network and multicultural skills. The Entrepreneurship major includes:

  • projects in association with the private/public sector and research institutes
  • lectures and applied research projects aimed to strengthen the interdisciplinary orientation of the participants
  • classes in English with internationally renowed faculty members from HEC Montréal (Canada), Worcester Polytechnic Institute (USA), or the University of Lorraine, (France)
  • a study abroad program to learn about a new market as a "student consultant" for 1 to 2 weeks, organized each year in Boston, Mexico or Asia

Application for: Master in Business Administration, major in Entrepreneurship

Apply now

Application deadline: 30 April 2025 (15.02.2025 for candidates who need a visa)

Objectives and career prospects

Learning how to think in an entrepreneurial way and gaining the ability to take decisive and all-inclusive action are some of the key qualifications and fundamental building blocks of a Master of Science in Business Administration program, with a Major in Entrepreneurship (Innovation and Growth). Special attention is given to developing both analytical and action-oriented competencies as well as outstanding interpersonal skills. The program also seeks to foster a sense of personal commitment and openness to non-routine tasks in future mid-to high-level positions. The program contributes to the development of the enterprising spirit and prepares students for general management functions in any enterprise.

In this major, students will learn how to:

  • Recognize opportunities and put tangible projects into place
  • Develop innovation and trends
  • Evaluate and manage the cash flow of a startup and a growing business
  • Keep up-to-date on the latest technological advances and how they impact the national and international markets
  • Take into account the multidisciplinary nature of entrepreneurship and promote the added value of the various parties involved
  • Learn about how a growing SME works and how it defines its strategy, taking into account elements such as intellectual property and branding
  • Analyse and develop business models using the Lean concept

The program is designed in such a way that students graduating with a Master of Science in Business Administration, Major in Entrepreneurship (Innovation and Growth) develop into attractive employees in today’s business society. Their future responsibilities include various managerial and change agent positions in private industry or public organizations. They are well suited for strategic management positions in small and large enterprises, where new ventures, technological development, globalization and competition are areas of importance.

At a glance

Degree awarded

​Master of Science HES-SO in Business Administration, Major in Entrepreneurship (Innovation and Growth)

ECTS Credits

90 credits

Study duration

4 semesters, part time study

Study start

15th of September 2025

Study language

Mainly in English

Enrollment information

Applications for the academic year 2025-2026 are open.


CHF 700 per semester (tuition fees), CHF 250 per semester (study costs). Registration fee of CHF 150.

Place of study

Mainly in Fribourg, with courses (common core) at HES-SO Master in Lausanne

More information

For any question about your registration, please contact directly the academic office HES-SO Master in Lausanne:, +41 58 900 00 02.

Structure and modules

The study schedule is designed to give students the option of working part-time, from Monday to Wednesday. The course will run on Thursdays and Fridays (all day), and on Saturday mornings.

First semester Second semester
Third semester Fourth semester

Download our brochure

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Questions? Contact us

Master's secretariat

+41 26 429 63 47

Monday, Thursday, Friday 08:00 - 11:30 | 13:30 - 16:30
More information